Saturday, August 31, 2024



This has been generally observed that the rate of drug abuse is increasing day by day with the passage of time especially in tribal areas or FATA as well as in settled areas of KPK. The use of snuff or tobacco eating was well familiar in the illiterate society of Pathans (Pukhtoon tribe of KPK), but now this trend has developed rapidly in the educated societies of this locality. According to the field survey more than 70% of male and about 20% female in rural areas regularly use snuff. In most cases snuff serve as prime factor or the initial stage towards the misuse of drugs and narcotics etc.

This is common observation that students of school and college level are first involved in using snuff or tobacco eating or smoking cigarettes. This may be due to the influence of peer group, poverty, media or school & society environment (teacher and parent’s role). After then these students moves to the use of hashish, marijuana, alcohols (including local made tarra, vatka spirit etc which are highly dangerous for health particularly for stomach, intestine and kidneys etc). This is pleasant that a very low percentage of these students move or involve themselves in using heroin, the most dangerous addictive synthetic drug which develops criminal tendencies in human being. But a tremendous increase is being noted in this regard in the recent years and unfortunately this may be increased to high level in the coming years due to the unstable political conditions of Afghanistan. Opium serves as a basic raw material in the production of heroin.

This has been observed that there is a growing tendency in the use of drugs and narcotics in the students of elementary as well as intermediate level in the region of KPK particularly in tribal belt and the settled areas adjacent. There are several factors which may be the cause of this increase.

Significance of the Study:

The researcher is interested to bring into light the growing tendency of drug abuse among school and college students. Due to unstable political conditions in Afghanistan and KPK, opium is cultivated on a large scale during the recent year which is clear from the drop in price of opium which was about 60000 rupees or more per 1200 grams and now in May & June 2007 this is as lower as from 4000 to 5000 rupees per 1200 grams in border areas of KPK and Afghanistan. This will surely increase the production of hereon in the coming years which will lower the price and hence its use will spread more rapidly if not properly treated. Similarly several textile mils and sugar mils as well as other chemical suppliers supplies the acids especially acetic n-hydride and other chemicals with more ease which are used in the production of this fatal drug.

Objectives of the Study:

The study will attempt to achieve the following objectives.

To find out the growing tendency of drugs abuse among school and college students.

To compare drug abusing tendency between the students of settled area and tribal areas of Mohmand Agency & Khyber Agency.

To explore the causes of drug abuse in school and college students.

To analyze the contents of school and college curriculum in regard of drug abuse and its effect on human health.

To enumerate the common types of drugs & narcotics used by school and college students.

To suggest some remedial recommendation and suggestion for handling the problem under study.

This has been observed that there is a dramatic decrease in the use of drugs in the area where Taliban are in full control. Due to the fear of Taliban no one have the courage to cultivate produce, synthesis, smuggle or sell the prohibited material in Islam in most part of the tribal areas. But unfortunately there is some evidence or information that some of Taliban commanders are involved in drug trafficking. Similarly some of the Taliban received some amount from the factories producing drugs, and allow them to work. But beside all these this is a fact that when Taliban get control of the area all illegal activities decrease very rapidly. 



Easy availability of drugs and narcotics in the area under study.

Gape between parents and their children.

Presence of local teacher in schools.

Media role i.e. films, dramas and magazine etc.

Harsh attitude of parents and teachers with children.

Curriculum has no guidance about the abuse of drugs and its effect on human body (health).

Social environment of the locality may encourage drug abuse.

Peer group may play vital role.

Poverty may also be a prime factor.

Elder are involved i.e. they use drugs and narcotics.

Poor control of governmental institutions i.e. poor law and order situation in the area concerned.

The researcher wants to study the problem in detail especially focusing on the common routs i.e. supply, production, social and physiological affect of drugs use. The enquiry that will show, how students fell in becoming addict to drugs will also be broadly focused.

Method for Data Collection;

The study will use snowball method for inquiry. Questionnaire as well as unframed but carefully focused & plan interview will be used as main tool for collecting data. This should be kept in mind that the aim of researcher is to ask all the relevant question from the concerned persons but if the condition not allow, question as more as possible should be asked.

Similarly if the circumstance not allows the researcher then he may change the wording of the questions but with great care that the central idea remains the same.


This was really a problem for the researcher to get familiar with the network of drug smugglers. One of the old student’s father informed the researcher to search acetic n-hydride from somewhere and then he will inform the smugglers about that. This was again a problem to search the totally prohibited chemical. But the researcher made it possible with the efforts of some friends. The researcher supplied the required chemical in sample form to different smuggler and Factory owner of heroin. In this way the researcher got familiar to the network.

Once again this was a problem for researcher to interview the drug addicted students, parents and teachers as the researcher himself do not use any sort of drug i.e. snuff or cigarette etc. but one of the first cousin and student of third year is badly involved in about all type of drug abuse. So due to his relation the researcher followed the snowball method. Similarly the visit of drug rehabilitation centers also becomes fruitful in finding the targeted persons.    

This was very strange that mostly chemical & drugs are transported by the help of concerned department persons i.e. anti-narcotic police and even some person of defense were also found involved in this.



Population of the study consists of all the students of Pakistan especially of KPK studying in school and colleges.


The sample of the study will include villages of Khyber and Mohmand Agencies in tribal areas and districts Peshawar and Charsadda in settled area. At least 10 schools in each Agency and district will be purposely selected. So the total number of schools will be 40. in each school, 10 – 15 students will be selected through snowball method. The total sample will be 400 students. Besides school and college students data will also be collected from teachers, parents, smuggler, producers, cultivators, transporters & sellers. At least 5 – 10 persons in each category will be approached.  


Data Collection Procedure;

The researcher wants to conduct interview or use questionnaire or both from the students, parent and teacher of addicted students as much as possible. Similarly the smuggler i.e. producers, cultivators, transporters & seller will also be concerned to know their psyche and character. Addicted teacher of each level well also be considered. This is possible for the researcher to some extent due to living in that particular locality.  

The researcher will also frequently visit the rehabilitation centers and centre jail of Peshawar to get data of addicted students.

Organization of The Study

This study will comprise of five chapters. Chapter one will consist of brief introduction of the study covering the objectives, hypothesis and organization of the study.

In chapter two, review of the extensive literature showing studies on the issues relevant to drug abuse in students will be given.

Third chapter will give a detailed description of the sources of data, population, sampling and tabulation of data.

Chapter four will be based on tabulation, results derivation and comprehensive discussion on drug abuse in students.

 Chapter Five will consists of findings, conclusions of the whole study and final suggestions for improvement and further research

Saturday, August 3, 2024

What is Carrier Guidance ?

 What is Carrier Guidance ?

Career guidance

Career guidance refers to services and activities intended to assist individuals, of any age and at any point throughout their lives, to make educational, training and occupational choices and to manage their careers. Such services may be found in schools, universities and colleges, in training institutions, in public employment services, in the workplace, in the voluntary or community sector and in the private sector. The activities may take place on an individual or group basis, and may be face-to-face or at a distance (including help lines and web-based services). They include career information provision (in print, ICT-based and other forms), assessment and self-assessment tools, counseling interviews, career education programmes (to help individuals develop their self awareness, opportunity awareness, and career management skills), taster programmes (to sample options before choosing them), work search programmes, and transition services.

Policy Issues

In compulsory schooling

The foundations of career self-management skills (for example decision making, self-awareness, self confidence) are laid at an early age. However career education and guidance in the primary school are limited or non-existent, and little systematic provision is made to explore the world of work.

Young people need to make a smooth transition from primary school to the initial years of secondary education: the choices that they make at this point have major implications for later education and work options. Career guidance needs to be part of the process that helps them to make a smooth transition.

Career education is increasingly present in the curriculum at the lower secondary school level, either as a separate subject or included in another subject. However it is included in widely differing ways, and at times these seem designed to suit the organisational needs of the school rather than the career development needs of the student. Often career education has little connection to the wider school curriculum.

In lower secondary school personal career guidance frequently targets students at key decision making points (when they are choosing subjects; prior to the end of compulsory schooling; at the transition to upper secondary level or to work). However often those who are targeted for personal interviews are not selected on the basis of well-defined need (for example low vocational maturity; readiness for decision making).

In upper secondary schooling

It is often assumed that upper secondary students have made specific educational and career choices and that they do not need further support. This assumption is especially made for students in vocational education pathways. In many countries they receive significantly less career assistance than do students in general education pathways. This takes little account of the increasing flexibility that is included in upper secondary vocational education programmes or of the wide range of career options and jobs that can flow from broadly designed vocational education and training.

Within general education pathways career guidance staff often spend substantial time preparing students to choose and compete for tertiary education places. This can result in those not intending to enter tertiary education receiving little help. It can also lead to little account being taken of the occupational and labour market consequences of particular tertiary education choices.

Some issues that apply to all levels of schooling Those who provide career education and guidance in schools often lack specialised training.


Those who provide career education and guidance in schools are often not career guidance specialists. They very often combine career guidance with other roles: teaching other school subjects; providing counselling and guidance for personal problems and study difficulties. The number of people employed to provide career education and guidance in schools is often not enough to meet student need and demand. Often services continue to be provided largely on an individual, face-to-face model. This reduces the capacity of the service to respond to the needs of all learners. Often career guidance staff do not have the resources that they need to do the job properly: a private space where students can be interviewed; a library of up-to-date career information; a computer; access to a telephone; secretarial assistance.

Many school career guidance services have tenuous links with the world of work:

Teaching staff know little about the labour market and what is involved in different types of jobs; Little contact exists with the public employment service; Students have very few or no opportunities to take part in work experience; Few employers are invited in to the school to talk to students; Parents have little involvement in the school’s careers programme; and Careers fairs in which groups of employers come to the one location to provide information to students do not take place. Career education and guidance are often considered to be the sole responsibility of the specialist career guidance staff, rather than the joint responsibility of all members of the teaching staff.

Few career guidance services have structured approaches aimed at helping students develop an entrepreneurial spirit and skills. They therefore tend to focus on guidance for paid employment, rather than for self-employment. School career guidance services are often not audited, and users have little opportunity to signal

satisfaction or otherwise with the services provided. No data is collected on student, teacher, parent or employer satisfaction with the service.


Concept of Education of Imam Ghazali




Concept of Education of Imam Ghazali

The great educator of Islam, imam Ghazali was born in a time, when doubts were raised from various sides about Islam.

 Imam Ghazali was born in 1059 AD near Tus in Khurasan, a part of the then Persia. These were the times, when Muslims were dominating Europe, Asia and Africa, due to the effect of new culcher of these countries they were deviating from the true teachings of Islam. Imam Ghazali came to the rescue them. We can say that in one way he was responsible for the revival of Islam. He is also known as Hujjatul Islam.

 Imam Ghazali mentions in his book Al-munqudeen –al- dalal, that he spent 38 years in the search of truth from place to place and studied different schools of thoughts of that time.

 Because of his knowledge and study, he was offered the post of head of Nizamia School in Baghdad. This school was the center of attraction for scholars all over the world. But due to his curiosity and quest for knowledge, he resigned from this post after four years. He became the critic of that time Islam and he saw no difference between Christianity, Islam and Judaism. He had now become a skeptic.

 Imam Ghazali ’s skepticism continues from another ten years, in which he wondered in many palaces including, Makkah, Yathrab and Syria. He also performed several pilgrimages to Makkah and once took an oath, while standing beside the stone of Abraham (Maqam-e-Ibrahim) in the Khana Kaaba. He sweard that;


1.                  I will not go to the court of any king

2.                  I will not get any king of money from rulers

3.                  I will not indulge in any type of discussion will scholars.

 Imam Ghazali died in 1111 Ad. He has written number of books including the  “Revival of Islamaic knowledg” (Ahya-e-uloom Islam) and “Incoherence of philosophy “ (Tahafat-ul-filasafa)

 He provided rational basis for the Islamic beliefs and integrated sufism and individual beliefs, to give a holistic picture of Islam in helping to reunite Muslims of the world. People criticize him for the lack of use of reason in Islam.

 As an educator, he is the greatest and most influential educators of Islam and has great influence on the modern educational thoughts.

 His educational philosophy based on his personal experience. the philosophy, which he formulated over a period of 10 years, resembles to the Philosophy of Plato. H used his personal experience and concluded the reasons, which he calls sixth sense, which can lead us to truth. Divine revelation (Ilham) is superior to reason but is endowed to only selected individuals called prophets (paighamber). The reason given to human beings also has limitations and can not acquire the absolute truth. Hence, it is obligatory for all human beings to obey the commandments send to us through [prophets from time to time.

 It is very much clear that the educational ideas of Ghazali are deeply affected by his religious philosophy and research. He thinks that human mind is like a clean slate and the teacher can transform it with the passage of time. Plato and Aristotle also held similar views.

 The importance of Knowledge:

 According to Ghazali, knowledge can bring us closer to God as well as enhance worldly respect and position. Knowledge, according to him is not relative but has an entity in itself. It can raise the status of the individual, create self respect and take him to the highest position.

 According to Ghazali, there are four categories of Knowledge;

 1.                  Prophetic

2.                  Rulers

3.                  Philosophers/scholars

4.                  Preachers

 1.         Prophetic:

 Prophets convey the message of God regardless of any discrimination and help to purify the inner self.


2.                  Ruler:

 They use their authority, legislation and rules to train and guide the society.


3.                  Philosophers/scholars

 Their knowledge benefits only selected individuals but for benefiting masses.

 4.                  Preachers;

They are meant to fulfill the religious needs of the society and train outer and inner self. Their job is to promote knowledge, improve the life of people, and help them to acquire desirable ethics through education.

 Ghazali divides knowledge into two types; I, e

 1.                  Useful or desirable knowledge

2.                  Useless or undesirable knowledge


1.                  Useful knowledge:


It is further divided into two


i.                    Farz-i-Ain:     (Compulsory)

This knowledge is obligatory for all and contains the knowledge of Islam


ii.                  Farz-i-Kafaya:  (Optional)

This knowledge is optional and depends on the will of the individual. It is further divided into two;


a.                   Worldly knowledge

b.                  Religious knowledge


2.                  Useless Knowledge:


Although no knowledge is useless, it is not desirable if it can create an undesirable effect such as


i.                    If it harms somebody like magic etc

ii.                  If the chance factor is involved like astrology etc

iii.                If it leads to thinking about God. Ghazali says that these matters should be left only to prophets and saints.


Aims of Education:


Ghazali based his aims of education on Islamic ideology. According to him, the major aim of education is that it is useful. The knowledge gained as a result of education should be useful both for individual and the society. It means that the aim of education is character building of individual so that it could differentiate between good and evil and avoids following the evil path.


Johnn Herbart proposed the same ideas about 700 year after the demise of Ghazali.


Psychological concepts of Ghazali:


Ghazali raises the basic question whether the human instinct is based on good or evil. He has presented his ideas in the light of Quran and Hadith. According to him good or evil are not physical and is not instinctual. Humans can be transformed by education and training. Rousseau expressed similar idea in 18th century.


Ghazali seems impressed by the Greek philosophers. According to Aristotle there are two types of creations in the world. i.e.


1.                  Perfect creation: These are perfected like moon , sun etc

2.                  Imperfect creations like seed of tree, which is imperfect in the sense that it has the ability to become a tree.


According to Ghazali, human beings are imperfect creatures and are similar to the seed. They have the ability and capacity to become perfect, only the suitable conditions are required. According to him, good character means good deeds.


Ghazali has given the following four ways in which deficiencies can be identified and removed.


1.                  Perfect teacher


Such teachers that have spiritual insight and knowledge and has the ability to analyze deficiencies I others


2.                  Close fiends:


We can identify our deficiencies with the help of our close friends


3.                  Foes:


We can know more about our deficiencies from our foes.


4.                  Self analysis:


Ghazali also stresses self-analysis from time to time.





Ghazali strongly criticizes the curriculum of his time. He raises the basic question of criteria for selection of subject matter for curriculum. He studied the various curriculums his times and reached the following conclusions:


1.                  More time is spent on religious education and worldly education is completely ignores

2.                  Worldly education is equally important

3.                  While teaching religious education , a great number of differences arise among the teachers, which result in mud slinging on each other

4.                  There is no. Prioritization and it is only left to the interest and opinions of the teachers to concentrate on certain subjects, while ignore others.

5.                  No place for character building in curriculum


Ghazali recommended that curriculum should be composed of obligatory (    ) And optional (               ) knowledge. It should be a combination of religion and worldly education.


Ghazali included industrial education, textile, agriculture, tailoring and hair cutting in the curriculum


This indicates that Ghazali ’s educational ideas are progressive.


Ghazali also stresses the acquisition of philosophy and logic


Methods of Teaching and Techniques:


Ghazali has recommended the following teaching methods and techniques, which are based on psychological principles. These methods and techniques are widely used and educators all over the world agrees with their usefulness.


1.                  Teaching of lessons to be based on previous knowledge and experience of the students.


This helps to know the ability, knowledge and aptitude of the learner and helps to motivate students towards the lesson which is very important for the educational process. Johnn Herbart and Pestollozi recommended the same principle about 700 year after Ghazali


2.                  Simplifying the lesson:


Teachers should simplify the difficult concepts by stories, tales etc other wise his teaching will not be effective


3.                  Move from simple to complex.


This is a very important principle. Some teachers try to teach everything in the very start. This is very dangerous and can create very dull students.


Ghazali stresses that teachers should first teach simpler concepts and when the students are motivated towards lesson, then he can introduce complex concepts.


Western educators have also mentioned this principle.


4.                  Proper planning


Ghazali stresses the importance of planning and advises that teachers should do his preparation before teaching to make it effective


5.                  affection:


The teachers should avoid the use of force . He should be like a father to his students and should use love and affection instead of corporal punishment. Use of force can lead to bad habits among students


Teacher and students should also have good social relationship


6.                  avoid double standards:


Teacher is like a guide to students. He should not be a hypocrite and should breed good qualities like, honesty, good etiquette, good moral character etc


7.                  abilities of students:


Ghazali stresses that while teaching the abilities of students should be kept in mind. Concepts, which are above the mental level of the students will not make the teaching effective.


8.                  Female education:


Ghazali ’s ideas about female education are different from modern day. He is only in favor of elementary education for women so that they could play their due role in society. He is not in favour of higher education for females. Rousseau has similar ideas.


Ghazali also stresses acquisition of home-related knowledge for women.


9.                  Physical education:


Ghazali has greatly stressed the physical education for children. He believes in old Greek axiom “ sound mind in sound body”


He suggests proper clothing for children so that they could develop and grow properly. He suggests avoid tight and fit clothing.


He also stresses the importance of good and simple, diet for good physical growth.


In short we can say that the contribution of Ghazali to education, what he said later reflected by western educators. That was actually originated in the times of Ghazali.



Relationship between education and psychology||Relationship between Education & Psychology  Education and psychology are interdependent....