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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

By Khan Key word; Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs , Needs vs. Wants , Maslow's and Alderfer's Hierarchies , Self-actualization: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Abraham Maslow (1954) presented his theory hierarchy of human needs based on two factors: first deficiency needs and second growth needs.  In deficiency needs, one must lower the need before moving to the next higher level.  When these needs of an individual satisfied, if in future at some point a deficiency is detected, the individual will remove the deficiency easily.  The first four levels of attribution are: Physiological: hunger, thirst, and comforts etc. Security: need of Safety and Security (out of danger) Belongingness: Love and Belongingness, affiliation with others, acceptance by others Esteem: Get approval and recognition from others for his achievement, and competency Self-actualization: It is the most important need. It means self-awareness, to know one’s own skills and weaknesses. The