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Showing posts with the label QURANIC PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION


 By JEHANGIR SHAH. Keywords; Quranic   philosophy of education , physical science & Quran, the development of body , Islamic perspective of education EDUCATION, ITS SIGNIFICANCE & DIMENSIONS; ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE             Islam has laid great stress upon education. “In order to ascertain the extent to which Islam has encouraged education and learning it is enough that the Holy Quran as revealed to our Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) begins with the word “Read” in the name of the lord”. The foremost thing that was thus enjoined was “Reading”. The first revelation to the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) was first five Ayats of “Surah” Al-Alaq”. “Read” in the name of thy lord who create the man from a clot. “Read”. And thy lord is the most bounteous who teaches by the pen. Teaches man that which he knew not”.             In order to keep up difference between the learned and the ignorant, it is said in Surah, “Az-Zumar”. ABOUT IGNORATN & LITERATE