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Theories of learning

Keywords ; Theories of learning , types of theories,   stimulus response association’s type of theories, thorndike’s connectionism or trial and error learning, thorndike laws of learning, palvlov’s classical or respondent conditioning theory , principles of conditioning theory, gestalt field or field cognition type of theories , cognitive\field\gestalt theories of learning , learning by insight , piagets theory of learning Theories of learning WHAT IS LEARNING: The changes in behavior brought about by experience (direct and indirect) are known as learning. TYPES OF THOERIES Broadly we may categories all these theories in to two major headings. A stimulus response association’s type of theories : These theories interpret learning in terms of change in behavior of the learner brought about the association of the response to a series of stimuli. The chief exponents are Edward L. Thorndike, John B.Watson,pavlov,Frederic skinner. THORNDIKE’S CONNECTIONISM OR TRIAL A