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Showing posts from October, 2011

Plan for Effective Supervision at Secondary School Level in pakistan

By Sultan Muhammad Khan Plan for Effective Supervision at Secondary School Level Definition Definition of Supervision: 1.       Oversee activity:  to watch over an activity or task being carried out by somebody and ensure that it is performed correctly. (MS Encarta) 2.         Oversee people:  to be in charge of a group of people engaged in an activity or task and keep order or ensure that they perform it correctly. (MS Encarta) Background and Justification A successful school is the indication of a good leader, a leader who supervises the school like delicate flower so it can spread its fragrance everywhere. Good education is result of good supervision upon the side of a good supervisor. Good Education is an essential part of every country, it is like a lifeline; their survival depends on it. As such, their focus on education is at the highest.      In under-developed, even developing countries, people mostly seek to improve their livelihood throug

Environmental Education

            Focal points in the further development of environmental education Environmental education is the essential part of education system in develop countries because they are aware of the consequences of global warming, On the other hand we are still in the process of improving basic education system in our country. United Nations has designated the period of 2005 to 2014 as the decade of “Education for Sustainable Development”. The objective is to integrate environmental education and the concept of sustainable development in education curriculum of the member countries. “Action Competence, Conflicting Interests and Environmental Education - The MUVIN Programme is the title of the English translation of the Danish research report Handlecompetence, interessekonflikter og miljøundervisning – MUVIN projektet. The MUVIN Programme, or MUVIN Projct was an innovative research and development initiative in the Danish folkeskole for primary and secondary school. With its special fo

Psychological Foundation of education:

Psychological Foundation of education By Miss Nazneen Psychological Foundation of education: Meaning and Historical background of Psychology: Meaning:             The word ‘Psychology’ comes from the Greek words Psycho-logos. While ‘Psycho’ means ‘Soul’ and ‘logos’ means ‘Science’. Thus the meaning of Psychology is the ‘Science of Soul’.                         We know that Psychology as an independent discipline acquired separate status very recently. Formerly it was studies as a sub-branch of philosophy. 1)         The arm-chair philosophers were interested in the nature of soul. Democritus was the first Greek philosopher who argued that everything is composed of indivisible, unitary material atoms in constant motion. People  are constituted of soul atom and body atom. The nature of soul was not  defined in definite terms. Therefore his views were opposed by other contemporary philosophers; hence the definition of psychology as a science of soul was given up. 2)         The phi

Ineffective leadership issue in schools

   Ineffective leadership issue in schools By Siddiq ullah If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.                                                                                     - John Quincy Adams It's hard to lead a cavalry charge if you think you look funny on a horse.                                                                                                - Adlai Stevenson The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.                                                                                       -  Kenneth Blanchard Before going straight away to start discussion on the topic, let us first have a glance at what actually leadership means, and then what is effective and what is ineffective leadership. Then we shall try to highlight this issue in schools context and suggest few remedies to address it. There is a realization that it is effective leadership that can help organizat