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Showing posts with the label Hypothesis


A general view Ø     Hypothesis is a statement, temporarily accepted, as true in the light of what is known about a phenomenon which is proposed for further research. Ø     It is a tentative assumption drawn from knowledge and theory which is used as a guide for investigation for other facts and theories that are yet unknown ·          A hypothesis states what we are looking for. Ø     It is a provisional guess, which seems to:    Explain the situation under observation n      Definition of hypothesis n      “Hypothesis is a tentative explanation for certain behavior, phenomenon that have occurred or will occur. n      It is the most specific statement of the problem” (L.R. Gay 1992). n      Hypothesis is a tentative answer to a question. (John W. Best 1982) Forms of hypothesis NULL HYPOTHESIS n      It states that there is no significant difference between in the two variables. EXAMPLE There is no significant difference in the instructiona