Showing posts with label Unequal System of Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unequal System of Education. Show all posts

Friday, February 14, 2020

Unequal System of Education in Pakistan

By Fozia Naseem

Key words; Pakistan education system, Multiplicity of Educational Systems in Pakistan, Public Education System, Private Education System, Madrasah Education

Unequal System of Education in Pakistan
Pakistan education system
In Pakistan there we have different types of school education systems; madrassas, public schools and private schools, They are divided by the medium of instruction, the type of subject taught, and level, whether located in rural or urban areas and, above all, whether they cater for rich, the middle classes or the poor.
More ever, these unequal institutions also create different world views. We share the same geographical location but not the same world view, which increases the possibility of conflict in our society and makes it prone to violence. This is an important argument against the continuation of our present education system, which is unjust, class-oriented and alienates people from each other and from the state. In its place what is required is a uniform system of education. According to Isani and Virk (2005), "the nation is divided because we are running multiple systems of education”.
Multiplicity of Educational Systems in Pakistan
·         Today our multiple tier education system can be highlighted in the following categories:
Public Education System:
·         State provides a system where education is offered in students' mother tongue; besides Urdu as a national language, and English as a foreign language taught. Minimum school fee is very low as not all people can afford hence only those send their children to public schools.
Private Education System:
·         Entrepreneurs who wish to bring reforms in education sector have open their schools and colleges. These private schools are English Medium schools, where students pay high amount as school fee that could range between Rs. 500 and 1, 00000 per month.
·         The quality of education is very uneven with most of these so-called English –medium schools than the elitist British system schools do. However, there is evidence that they are popular with parents because some of these schools have better text books, the rate of absenteeism of teachers is less, and teachers invest more time and energy on students than their counterparts in the government sector- even if they are not qualified in terms of degrees and certificate to provide quality education.
Cambridge Education System:
·         This foreign education system is exclusively for the children of very rich so that they can go abroad after graduation for higher education
Madrasah Education:
·         Side by side with modern education system there is also religious education system, which provides Islamic education. However, the result of this education is not satisfactory.  Except for few Madrasah who do provide a true Islamic Education. Now government is trying to stream line the system of education in Madrasah by registration them and incorporating some new subjects.  Currently there are more than 10,000 madrasahs teaching more than two million school children.
With the colossal differences in the above educational systems, one should think the kind of students it breeds. For instance, the Public Education System caters to common masses hence produces clerks who serve the Public office and bureaucracy. On the other hand, Cambridge Education System reaches to rich established people hence produces elites who either become entrepreneurs or travel to develop countries for higher education and ultimately settled there.
Students who opt for Private Education systems aspire for the excellence. Despite the indefinite struggle, they do not succeed entirely hence keep switching their roles to prove themselves.
·         There is no doubt that the current education system in Pakistan is an absolute mess. Only the very elite folks can afford to send their kids to the top private schools which are the only source for decent education. The condition of the universities and colleges is even worse as there are quite limited opportunities for the students to prosper. Far too much talent is being lost and potentially bright students are going on the wrong track.
Few suggestions are as follows that could be implemented gradually
·         *It is indeed very important to bring reforms in education, which eliminates differences and class system and inculcates self-understanding and analysis.
·         *In a unified Pakistan, there has to be one tire education system for all the children of Pakistan will lead us to Unity, Faith and Discipline. . In this way, the colossal difference among students from different systems would minimize.
·         Improve government schools up to the standard of private schools levels that will encouragement people to send their kids government schools.
·         The most immediate action would be to create a one tier system of education, one curriculum for public and private schools, experience and qualified teachers in public schools. 
·         Urdu as medium of instruction and examination will encourage parents to send their children to public schools and will discourage private English medium schools and Cambridge system of education in Pakistan.
·         The government must eliminate, or at least reduce the poverty in so that the very poor students go to public schools instead of unregistered madrassas.
·         Made it mandatory for bureaucracy, politicians and teachers to send their children to public schools as result these will give their due attention to public education system.
·         Single integrated education system has to be established, for that we need minds of our best, from educationist to engineers, doctor, scientist, marketers, financiers, lawyers, all pooled together on one table to establish a single curriculum, unified from grade 1-10.Once the system is in place, the next stage will be to bring the existing government schools in compliance with the new tier system of education.
·         The curriculum of dinini Madris is also being brought in line with the requirement of modern times. Subjects of English, Math, and General science are being added to their purely religious items to wider their scope of the employment. It has been decided to introduce uniform syllabus for all stages of education in the country for all schools and colleges in both public and private.
·         Another implication of curriculum revamping would lead to practical activities, research activities and presentation of ideas etc. and relating it with students where s/he extracts the information and interprets as s/he understand and develop the confidence to question idea, text etc., as nothing is sacred hence students will find themselves as lifelong learners.
·         Revisiting our examination system will be critical and with summative exams, it is suggested to follow formative assessment that will enable teachers to develop individual relation with each student and help him/her develop smoothly. Providing constructive feedback can also make learners concentrate in their work efficiently and would improve further.
·         Training of teachers, faculty and caregivers is essential as well, because they are catalyst to bring any transformation, as it is said "Teachers are Leaders" therefore teachers training regarding instructional pedagogy and awareness about student's psychology is important for them.
·          In short we must ensure that all students are given an equal and fair chance to compete with others in life. This is only possible if all schools are given the same curricula and more or less the same kind of teachers.
*       Bibliography
*       Iqbal.M, 2001, Education in Pakistan, Aziz publisher Lahore.
*       Standard education System in Pakistan,N.D Pakistan Coalition for Education, National Secretariat, Islamabad
*       References


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