Showing posts with label Objectives of Teacher Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Objectives of Teacher Education. Show all posts

Monday, January 6, 2020

Objectives of Teacher Education

by Zoonera Sohail
Keywords; Concept of Teacher Education, General Objectives of Teacher Education, Teacher Education, Teacher Education at Different Levels, Objectives at Primary Stage, Objectives at Elementary Stage,    Objectives at Secondary Stage, Teacher Education

Objectives of Teacher Education

                  TABLE OF CONTENT

Topics                                                              Page Number
Introduction                                                           1
Definitions                                                              1
Concept of Teacher Education                             1 
General Objectives                                                 2
Teacher education at different levels                   2
References                                                             6

Objectives of Teacher Education
Teacher education is an integral component of the educational system. It is intimately connected with society and is conditioned by the ethics, culture and character of a nation. The constitutional goals, the directive principles of the state policy, the socio economic problems and the growth of the knowledge, the merging expectations and changes operating in education system and provide the perspective with in which teacher education programs need to be viewed.

‘The education is an integral part of the education system. It is intimately connected with society and is conditioned by the ethics, culture, principles and character of the nation.’
‘Teacher education is a continuous process and its pre-service and in-service components are inseparable. At the first step, the system of teacher education is overhauled; the new programs of teacher education will emphasize continuing education and the need for teacher.’

Concept of Teacher Education:
A teacher considers a variety of factors in a comprehensive manner and formulates wide range concepts of teacher education.
Ø  Ways of improving and enhancing thinking pr cognitive abilities.
Ø  Improving more operational skills-mechanical, complex, observational or the psychomotor domains.
Ø  Inculcation of values and attitude through teaching.

General Objectives of Teacher Education:
v  To evolve instructional strategies to improve effectiveness and efficiency of instructional process in programs.
v  Restructuring the existing curriculum of teacher education program completely.
v  To facilitate the realization of the constitutional goals and emergence of social order.
v  To upgrade the standard of teacher education.
v  To enhance the professional and social status of teachers and develop among them a sense of commitment.

Teacher Education at Different Levels:
Teacher education reaches teachers at all levels of education namely Primary stage, Elementary stage and Secondary stage. The need and requirements of students and education vary at different levels. Hence, level and stage, specific teacher preparation is essential.

Objectives at Primary Stage:
Following are some of the objectives at primary stage;
1.    Prepare teachers for helping mental, physical, social, emotional, aesthetic development of children by means of individual and group activities.
2.    To impart them relevant knowledge of child psychology, basics of cultural heritage and child environment.
To develop among them the capacity and desire for obtaining parental cooperation and establish coordination with the agencies working in similar areas.
3.    To empower them to develop self-concept, self-esteem and the art of self-expression and sense of discrimination and appreciation among the children.
4.    To enable them to develop environmental awareness among children.
5.    To empower them to inculcate the art of living good life.
6.     To make teachers aware of the nature, purpose, problems and issues of primary education.
7.    To enable them to understand the nature and maturity of children for imparting education and to ensure their many sided development.
8.    To enable them to manage and mobilize community resources for the school and teaching.
9.    To develop holistic approach for understanding and solving problems of life.
10. To create environmental awareness with the intent of promoting its protection/ preservation.
11. To enable them to impart value education, life skill education, work education and feel their responsibility towards the education of neglected sections of society including those affected by diseases and deprivation of various forms.

Objectives at Elementary Stage:
1.    To maintain the continuity of elementary education.
2.    To prepare students for the study of diversified courses and appropriate selection of subjects at the elementary stage.
3.    To empower the prospective teachers to adopt disciplinary approach in teaching and to develop among students interest in such studies.
4.    To inculcate a sense of national pride and identity.
5.    To develop among the prospective teachers love for culture, and its contribution to the world.
6.    To enable them to develop the teaching competencies and performance skills for the subjects they have to teach.
7.    To enable them to integrate the health, physical, aesthetic and inclusive education with other educational activities.
8.    To enable them to guide learners and prepare them for self-study, independent learning, develop reference skills, critical thinking and self evaluation.
9.    To develop among them competencies to communicate abstract and complex ideas in simple terms.
    Objectives at Secondary Stage: 
1.    To impart enriched vocational education which is essential for success in competitive and open market economy.
2.    To enable them to impart the skills of marketing, market survey, salesmanship and advertisement.
3.    To enable them to design courses and competencies needed for self employment.
4.    To enable teachers to inculcate dignity and morality of work and produce work culture among their students.
5.    To develop aesthetic sensibilities.
6.    To develop communication skills and use of modern information technology.
7.    To develop skills for guidance and counseling.
8.    To enable them to understand the process of socialization.
9.    To acquaint them with research in education including action research.
10. To enable them to foster creative thinking among students for reconstruction of knowledge.

Chaudry and Imran (2012) Designing Professional Development For Better Pedagogy: a higher education experience in Pakistan.


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