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Showing posts with the label The Rise of Colleges and Madrassa in Muslim era

The Rise of Colleges or Madrassa in Muslim Arab World

By Siddiq ullah Keywords; Profesors called Mudarris or shaik , madrassa of Baghdad, professor Sources of income , Instability of income and resort to abuses, Pensions , students as participant in the Class , The Rise of Colleges or  M adrassa in Muslim Arab World 1-Profesors Under this heading comes: i)                     Designations :                                 The terms mudarris and shaik were used for the top level teachers.Mudarris meant the professor of law; while sheikh meant professor of any other field of learning. The term tadris was used for professorship of law alone; while others were referred as mashyakha. ii)                   Status In The Community: a)       Importance of the professorial post:                                                               According to ibne khaldun, scholars in all fields of knowledge for the most part were non Arabs, and those who were Arab in their genealogy were non Arabs in their mother ton