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Showing posts with the label Instruction and Teaching

Relation of Curriculum, Syllabi, Instruction and Teaching

By Sultan Muhammad Khan Syllabus            The word syllabus in used to indicate courses of studies based upon text books or text material. It is a part of curriculum. Those who consider curriculum as courses of studies are giving limited meaning to it. To limit our definition to syllabus or courses of study would restrict our thinking. An adequate definition of curriculum should encompass subject matter/courses of study or syllabi and all the learning experiences. Because the definition of curriculum needs to be broad enough to cover learners, learning and environment of learning, hence the course of study or syllabus of any subject forms only a part of the curriculum. Instead of including only the academic subjects, it includes the total experiences that a pupil receives in the school. What is instruction?             Curriculum has been defined as a plan for providing sets of learning opportunities for persons to be educated in an institution. Plans have no impact unt