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Theories of motivation

By Khan Key words; Definitions of Motivation , Importance of motivation , Theories of motivation , Behaviorist Approaches to Motivation , Humanistic Approaches to Motivation , Maslow’s Hierarchy Motivation  (of Needs) , Characteristics of Motivation , Cognitive theory Theories of motivation Definitions of Motivation:  According to B.F. Skinner , “Motivation in school learning involves arousing, persisting, sustaining and directing desirable behavior.”  According to Woodworth , “Motivation is the state of the individual which disposes him to certain behavior for seeking goal.”  Motivation is a state or condition of internal need, desire, or want that serves to activate or energize behavior and give it direction (Kleinginna and Kleinginna, 1981a). Franken (2006) provides an additional component in his definition: The arousal, direction, and persistence of behavior. Importance of motivation Motivation is the most important factor involved in the modi