Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Assessment of student|method of assessment|self assessment

 Student Assessment:

Student assessment is one of the key issues in education. How do we know if students have learned what we are trying to teach them? There are multiple forms of assessment available. We believe that offering varied methods is the best model. You will find in the following documents some examples of different types of assessment, and how some MSU faculties have used them. You will also find resources and guides.

Assessing student performance:

Assessment can be based on writing an individual paper, preparing a group presentation, class participation, attendance, homework problem sets, exams (essay, short answer, multiple choice, true/false), and so on. Alternatively, when a student performs a task rather than taking a test, it is called performance assessment. Examples of performance assessment include: debating a topic; demonstrating a skill; conducting an experiment and writing the results; doing a project; or compiling a portfolio of work.

Ideally the assessment process informs the teacher and the learner about learner progress and at the same time, contributes to the learning process. In theory, good assessment:

measures meaningful learning outcomes

does so in a fair, reliable, accurate way

is easy to administer, score, and interpret

informs the teacher about student performance and how they are interpreting course experiences

results in meaningful feedback to the learner

is itself a learning experience

Feedback on assessment:

Feedback is a very important part of learning. Feedback is the mechanism that lets the learner know whether they are on the right track. Assessment and measurement strategies provide feedback to both the student and instructor. Students learn more effectively if they receive frequent, meaningful, and rapid feedback. Feedback may come from the instructor directly, from assignments and assessments which have feedback built into them, or even from other students.

Feedback to learners about where they are and where their instructors want them to be comes in many different ways, such as:

instructor participation in a discussion assignment

writing assignments that require submission of a draft for instructor comments and suggestions for improvement

self-mastery tests and quizzes that include informative feedback with each answer choice

interactive games and simulations that have feedback built in

Technology can provide automated assessments which provide instant right or wrong feedback. Interactive media provide feedback when they add a visual change to indicate mouse over, or a sound to accompany an action. This very simple form of feedback lets the learner know their input has been received. More sophisticated technologies can offer constructive criticism. Technology can also help by gathering and organizing student performances and making it easy to offer feedback. However, human participation is often a necessary part of feedback.

Methods of Assessment:


You might find it helpful to find out whether your students meet the basic knowledge and skill levels required to learn your materials. Use a pre-test to find out. Pre-tests are often paired with remedial materials.

Some instructors offer self-assessment pre-tests prior to the beginning day of class and offer students ways to catch up before the first day. Others provide time during the first week for students to do such things. Alternatively, you could pre-test prior to each module, week or topic.

Practice exams:

Practice exams and problem set homework are popular with students in courses which use exams for grading. Students who complete a practice exam usually encounter fewer problems on the official exam. Technical problems have been worked out, and the student knows what to expect in terms of types of questions.

It's important to let the student know that practice exam questions will be similar to what they will find on their exams. However, the specifics will differ based on course content. For example, a nursing case study will be presented and students will need to identify specifics relating to the case. In exam, they will view case studies, but the details will differ. Students are very likely to complete a practice exam which parallels the real exam even though it does not count toward their grade.

Subjective assessment:

In subjective assessments the teacher's judgment determines the grade. These include essay tests. Essay tests take longer to answer and they take longer to grade than objective questions and therefore only include a small number of questions, focusing on complex concepts.

Objective assessment:

Objective assessments (usually multiple choice, true false, short answer) have correct answers. These are good for testing recall of facts and can be automated. Objective tests assume that there are true answers and assume that all students should learn the same things.


Self-assessment types of assignments are provided for quick student feedback. Self-assessments:

help the learner check if they have mastered a topic

provide opportunity to measure learning progress

are usually voluntary and may allow multiple attempts

inform the learner, but not the teacher

can occur whenever a performance activity is linked with feedback about that performance.

Self-assessment examples:

practice quizzes

games, simulations, and other interactive exercises

practice written assignments

peer reviews

true-false questions

Interactive assessments:

Interactive experiences can be designed as spaces within which learners can perform a task. These experiences can be graded or not. Interactive software can administer quizzes and give instant, usually fun, right-wrong feedback and perhaps explanations of right answers. Examples of interactive assessment:

A simulator that lets learners virtually drive, facing the full range of driving challenges along the way. Simulators can be used both to teach and to test through performance in the simulation.

students could conduct a virtual experiment rather than an experiment in a physical laboratory

language software might have sophisticated speech recognition software to provide feedback about pronunciation

Creation of an online tool, such as a virtual instrument. Students could perform a song, and the software provides feedback about accuracy and timing.

A game where the goal is to find life in other solar systems. Making sound decisions about where to search, how to get there, and what to look for earns points but also shows that you are learning.

Group projects:

Group projects are more challenging in a fully online course because the online tools often must handle all collaboration. Students do not necessarily live in the same time zone or even on the same continent, there is no set class meeting time, and they may have vastly different schedules. Some online students do their classwork during the week, others work only on weekends. Some like the idea of meeting in-person with their group, others prefer asynchronous collaboration. A majority prefer not to do group work at all. Some students start and finish projects early (they always turn things in first) and others wait until the last minute. Invariably there will be complaints about group members who are not participating.

In real life many projects are team efforts. There is a great deal of learning value in discussion and collaboration. Tools which can facilitate group collaboration include asynchronous discussion tools for group communication, file sharing to share and revise documents, and chat tools for real-time discussion.

Smaller groups are more manageable. Teams of two are easier to coordinate than larger teams, although some courses do groups of 5 or 6. It is important to carefully assign the groups based on when they like to work and how they prefer to collaborate. Define clear roles, and include peer review of group participation as part of the grade. You can ask students to keep a log of their process and procedures. Provide a "panic button" for students whose team members have disappeared, so you can help them either decide to work alone or connect with another group.

Proctored exams:

One anti-cheating strategy is to require students to arrange for a proctor at a local community college, university or library. The proctor is typically located by the student and approved by the instructor. The proctor checks photo ID and monitors the student while they take the exam. Exams are submitted online, or in some cases, printed and faxed by the proctor to the instructor. This can be inconvenient for distant students to arrange and for the instructor to coordinate. MSU testing office participates in a free referral service that facilitates distance learning. If you’re interested in learning more about this service  please visit the MSU Testing Office and inquire about Distance Testing. 

MSU Example:

The LearnDAT online remedial math course, jointly offered by MSU and San Francisco State University, used five online exams and two proctored in-person exams. The math faculty at San Francisco State University have compared grades between the online and in person exams and found a high level of consistency in the grades, suggesting cheating is not occurring in the online exams. The instructional team is now much more confident in the integrity of the online exams. Their online exams have 20 questions; each question is drawn from a separate pool of five choices. The order of the questions and answers are randomized.

Students as audience and peer review:

In the classroom, time constraints prevent students from being able to review each other’s projects in detail. It is easy to post projects online where everyone can see them. The work is thus a public performance, a potential source of pride or embarrassment. It is helpful for other students to see the scope of work produced by others. They may be motivated on the next assignment by seeing other outstanding projects.

Peer review can be an effective learning technique. Taking on the role of judge is a different mode of understanding the goals of an assignment.


Class participation can be an alternative method of assessing the student. A good way to encourage class participation is to make it part of the overall course grade. Class participation may include answering reflective questions in a course module, taking part in weekly class discussions, providing peer review critiques of fellow students' assignments, or locating and contributing online resources to a class-created knowledgebase.

The quality and quantity of submissions can be used to determine the grade. Some LMSs can track the number of posts a student makes to a discussion forum or live chat.

Other kinds of assessment:

Alternative methods of assessment are limited only by your imagination. Consider assigning reflective journals, one minute papers, contributions to digital archives, or portfolios.

Assessment of students achievements|PURPOSES OF ASSESSMENT|STUDENT HELP

 Assessment of students achievements:

Assessment is the process of observing a sample of a student’s behavior and drawing inferences about the student’s knowledge and abilities.When we are looking at students’ behavior, we typically only use a sample of classroom behavior.

Assessment instruments do not dictate the decisions to be made.
Teachers, administrators, government officials, parents, and even students interpret assessment                 results and make decisions based on the results.
Assessments are tools that allow us to make informed decisions about how best to help our                       students learn and achieve
Assessment interpretation can be abused.

There types of assessment:

 There are three main types of Assessment.

Summative Assessment

Interim Assessment

Formative Assessment

Summative Assessment:

Summative Assessment takes place at the end of a large chunk of learning, with the results being primarily for the teacher's or school's use. Results may take time to be returned to the student/parent, feedback to the student is usually very limited, and the student usually has no opportunity to be reassessed. Thus, Summative Assessment tends to have the least impact on improving an individual student's understanding or performance. Students/parents can use the results of Summative Assessments to see where the student's performance lies compared to either a standard (MEAP/MME) or to a group of students (usually a grade-level group, such as all 6th graders nationally, such as Iowa Tests or ACT). Teachers/schools can use these assessments to identify strengths and weaknesses of curriculum and instruction, with improvements affecting the next year's/term's students.

Examples: Standardized testing (MEAP, MME, ACT, Work Keys, Terra Nova, etc.); Final exams; Major cumulative projects, research projects, and performances.

Interim Assessment:

Interim Assessment takes place occasionally throughout a larger time period. Feedback to the learner is still quick, but may not be immediate. Interim Assessments tend to be more formal, using tools such as projects, written assignments, and tests. The learner should be given the opportunity to re-demonstrate his/her understanding once the feedback has been digested and acted upon. Interim Assessments can help teachers identify gaps in student understanding and instruction, and ideally teachers address these before moving on or by weaving remedies into upcoming instruction and activities.

Examples: Chapter test; extended essay; a project scored with a rubric.

Formative Assessment:

Formative Assessment occurs in the short term, as learners are in the process of making meaning of new content and of integrating it into what they already know. Feedback to the learner is immediate (or nearly so), to enable the learner to change his/her behavior and understandings right away. Formative Assessment also enables the teacher to "turn on a dime" and rethink instructional strategies, activities, and content based on student understanding and performance. His/her role here is comparable to that of a coach. Formative Assessment can be as informal as observing the learner's work or as formal as a written test. Formative Assessment is the most powerful type of assessment for improving student understanding and performance.

Examples: a very interactive class discussion; a warm-up, closure, or exit slip; an on-the-spot performance; a quiz. 


To promote learning
In order for assessment to promote students’ learning and achievement, it should:

1. Provide specific & concrete feedback
2. Act as a learning experience, letting students know what they have and have not mastered
3. Act as a motivator—students should know what to study and when
4. Act as a review mechanism
5. Influence cognitive processing
6. To guide instructional decision making
7. To assist in the diagnosis of learning and performance problems
8. To promote self-regulation
9. To determine what students have learned

curriculum development in pakistan|general recommendation for curriculum development process


5.1 problems of curriculum development in Pakistan and suggestions for its improvement.

 Falling education standard is one of the most favorite topics for discussion at our social gatherings. Everyone has his own views and experiences to narrate and ultimately, to lament and then recall the good old days when everything was at its best.

It is a known fact that our educational standards are one the decline. We have progressed in quantitative expansion but gone backward qualitatively, in the government policies there are planning and recommendations for the revolutionary steps but the progress in negligible.

We have innovative ideas but unable to implement any positive change effectively. That is why we could not achieve the desired goals. We have many leaders in education but most of them are without dedication to work. We have many schools, colleges and universities but they are working only to award certificates and degrees to the students without changing their attitude. The students are just memorizing facts and information from their text material without developing proper concepts to apply in daily life. Teachers are following conventional methods such as the lecture. Textbook recitation and notes dictation. The innovative methods are not followed even in teacher training institutes. The textbooks are also theoretical ignoring the activities. All these and many more are the curriculum related problems. These problems are identified by various policies along appropriate recommendations as given on the next page.

5.2 Problems of Curriculum Development Process

If we look to the various phases or elements of curriculum development process. So many problems can be indicated i.e.

A. Problems related to objectives.

B. Problems related to content.

C. Problems related to methods.

D. Problems related to audio-visual aids.

E. Problems related to evolution.

a. problems Related to Objective 

The curriculum development is a continuous and dynamic process, having some goals to be achieved though classroom activates.

The effectiveness of curriculum process depends largely upon the extent to which these goals are achieved. If the objectives are formulated in clear an behavioral terms, their achievement becomes easy. The objectives formulated for the existing curricula are mostly ambiguous and non behavioral such types of objectives can be considered as invalid. Some of the objectives are too broad to achieve and some of them are not related to the socio economic conditions in the country. There are certain objectives that are not according to the psychological needs of the learners.

b. Problems Related to Content

It has already been mentioned that curriculum development is a dynamic process. So it must be flexible enough to be changed from time to time along with the changes occurring in the society. But in our country, researches in curriculum development are very rare which make it static.

Some to the defects of existing subject matter are as under;

The content is not selected on the basis of research.

To content does not help in the achievement of desired goals.

The content is not suitable to the life situation of the learners.

There is a lack of horizontal and vertical coordination in various concepts.

The content does not demand active participation of learners, instead it encourages rote memory.

Logical sequence (when required) is missing.

The subject matter does not help in the development of understanding, indicative reasoning and desired creative abilities.

c. Problems Related to Methods

The problems of curriculum development related to methods of instruction are:

Methods of instruction are not suggested by the curriculum planners.

Methods of instruction which are being followed in the classroom do not help in the achievement of desired goals.

Teachers take last interest in inquiry-based methods.

Participatory or communicative approaches are not followed in the class.

Methods are not helping the learners to develop various skills.

The existing teacher training programmes do not fulfill the requirements of the innovative methods.

Teachers are reluctant to follow activity-based methods.

d. Problems Related to Audio-visual Aids

Lack of sources and resources educational institutes affects badly the implementation proves of curriculum development.

Teachers are not properly trained preparation and used of low cost material.

The curriculum planners have not given any guidelines to the teachers to use the local resources as audio-visual aids.

e. Problems Related to Evaluation 

Proper evaluation programme is not suggested by the curriculum planners.

The test items are not related to the objective sof the relevant course.

Most of the test items are ambiguous.

Only cognitive aspect is emphasized in evaluation.

The content validity is very low existing evaluation system.

The concept of continuous evaluation in to applied.


The curriculum should base upon native research and not on the basis of opinions of experts.

Some of the enthusiast working teachers should be involved in curriculum development.

The objectives must be spelt out in specific behavioral terms.

While setting the objectives, equal weightage must be given to all the domains such as cognitive effective and psychomotor.

Curricum should be future oriented to cope with the needs of 21st century, whcich is expected to be scientific and techonological.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)|A Legacy of Exploration and Discovery

 The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)|A Legacy of Exploration and Discovery

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, commonly referred to as NASA, has been the forefront of space exploration and scientific discovery for over six decades. Established on July 29, 1958, NASA was created in response to the Soviet Union's launch of Sputnik, the world's first artificial satellite. Since its inception, NASA has been responsible for some of the most significant achievements in the history of space exploration.

Early Years: Mercury and Gemini Programs

NASA's early years were marked by the Mercury program, which aimed to launch the first American astronauts into space. On May 5, 1961, NASA successfully launched astronaut Alan Shepard into space aboard the Freedom 7 spacecraft, making him the first American in space. The Mercury program paved the way for the Gemini program, which focused on developing the capabilities for a manned mission to the Moon.

The Gemini program, which ran from 1961 to 1966, saw the first American spacewalks, the first rendezvous and docking of two spacecraft in orbit, and the longest-duration spaceflight to date. The Gemini program laid the foundation for the Apollo program, which would ultimately put humans on the Moon.

Apollo Program: Landing on the Moon

The Apollo program, which ran from 1961 to 1972, was NASA's most ambitious undertaking to date. The program aimed to land humans on the Moon and return them safely to Earth. On July 20, 1969, NASA achieved this goal when astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin became the first humans to set foot on the Moon's surface.

The Apollo program consisted of 11 manned missions, with six of them landing on the Moon. The program also included several unmanned test flights and a series of lunar orbiters. The Apollo program marked a major milestone in the history of space exploration and cemented NASA's position as a leader in the field.

Space Shuttle Program

In the 1970s and 1980s, NASA developed the Space Shuttle program, which aimed to provide a reusable spacecraft that could carry crew and cargo into low Earth orbit. The Space Shuttle program, which ran from 1981 to 2011, consisted of five orbiters: Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour.

The Space Shuttle program was marked by several notable achievements, including the deployment of the Hubble Space Telescope, the construction of the International Space Station, and the conduct of numerous scientific experiments. However, the program was also marred by two major tragedies: the loss of the Challenger in 1986 and the loss of the Columbia in 2003.

International Space Station

In the 1990s, NASA began collaborating with international partners to develop the International Space Station (ISS). The ISS, which was launched in 1998, is a habitable artificial satellite that orbits the Earth at an altitude of around 250 miles.

The ISS serves as a research laboratory, observatory, and testbed for spaceflight technologies. The station is occupied by a rotating crew of astronauts and cosmonauts, who conduct scientific experiments, perform maintenance tasks, and carry out spacewalks.

Mars Exploration

In recent years, NASA has shifted its focus towards exploring the planet Mars. The agency's Mars Exploration Program, which was established in the 1990s, aims to explore the Martian surface and search for signs of life.

NASA's Mars program has included several notable missions, such as the Mars Pathfinder, the Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity Rover), and the InSight Lander. The Curiosity Rover, which was launched in 2011, has been exploring the Martian surface since 2012 and has made several significant discoveries, including the presence of ancient lakes and rivers on Mars.

Artemis Program

In 2019, NASA announced the Artemis program, which aims to return humans to the Moon by 2024. The program, which is named after the Greek goddess of the hunt, also aims to establish a sustainable presence on the lunar surface and to use the Moon as a stepping stone for further human exploration of the solar system.

The Artemis program includes several key components, such as the development of a new lunar lander, the creation of a lunar Gateway, and the conduct of several uncrewed and crewed missions to the Moon. The program also aims to include the first woman and the next man on the Moon.

NASA's Future Plans

Looking ahead, NASA has several ambitious plans and projects in the works. Some of the agency's future plans include:

Mars Sample Return

NASA plans to launch a Mars sample return mission in the late 2020s, which will retrieve samples from the Martian surface and return them to Earth for study.

Europa Clipper

NASA is currently developing the Europa Clipper mission, which will explore Jupiter's icy moon Europa and search for signs of life.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)|A Legacy of Exploration and Discovery