Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Demonstration method

By Khan
Key words; Demonstration method, Characteristic of demonstration method, Steps needed for Demonstration method, How to Conduct Demonstration? Merits of demonstration method, Demerits of demonstration method, Planning and preparation of demonstration

Demonstration method
The word demonstration means to give a demo or to perform the activity. In demonstration method, the teacher teaches his students using demonstration method in a systematic and a step by step process. Demonstration method is practical ways of teaching; in this method teacher perform an activity to teach his student a concept, this often occurred when students find it difficult to connect theories to actual practice and when students are unable to understand the theories and its applications.
demonstration is a teaching method used to communicate an idea with the aid of visuals such as flip charts, posters, power point, etc. A demonstration is the process of teaching someone how to make or do something in a step-by-step process. As you show how, you “tell” what you are doing”.
To achieve success in demonstration method the teacher need to do three things which are necessary for this method.
·         The object displayed for demonstration should visible to all students
·         The demonstrator should use clear language and step by step procedure so the students understand the concept of demonstration easily.
·         The pupils should be given the chance to ask question from teachers to clear their concept and difficulties about the topic.
Characteristic of demonstration method
·         The demonstration should be done in a step by step and simple way
·         In demonstration method , attention should be given to all students
·         The aims and goals should be clearly stated and any objections related to  demonstration as well
·         A well-planned strategy should be devise for demonstration
Steps needed for Demonstration method
Planning and preparation or How to Conduct Demonstration
Demonstration method needs proper planning for effective demonstration. Keep the following points in mind before given demonstration to students.
  • Comprehensive preparation of the subject matter by the teacher
  • Advance lesson planning before demonstration

·         Plan demonstrations of the correct length to do the job on time
·         Make sure that materials, tools, Sheets, and other required items for demonstration at hand and properly arranged
·         Explain the objectives of the demonstration and develop interest in students
·         Tell students the important points to look for in the demonstration
·         Explain the new terms and parts of the demonstration
·         Supplement the demonstration with visual aids whenever possible
·         Make sure that students can see the object of demonstration and hear clearly
·         During demonstration the teacher should face students and talk to them
·         Form connections with previous and future lessons if possible
·         Perform the demonstration at correct pace for clear understanding
·         Perform all operations skillfully and in proper sequence
·         Refrain from holding up the progress of the whole group for a few who may not understand.
·         Ask questions during demonstrations to check: understanding of the students
·         Encourage students to ask: questions during the demonstration if it does not interfere with the sequence of the demonstration
·         Stress on safety rules and precautions for students
·         Select students to aid with demonstrations when feasible
·          Summarize key points of the demonstration to students
·         Check the performance of each student after the demonstration by asking questions
·         Disseminate Job Operation Sheets at appropriate time
  • Arrange and collect material related to the topic of demonstration
  • Rehearsal by demonstrator

 Introducing the lesson
Introduction of the topic is very necessary, the teacher should make the Introduction interesting to motivate students and prepare them mentally for the demonstration.
While introducing the lesson to students the teacher should keep in mind the following factors.
  • Environment of the classroom
  • individual differences of students
  • Experiences of the students
·         The teacher can start the lesson with an experiment to make it interesting for the students
·         The teacher can start the lesson with a common event or a story
·         The experiment should be able to grab the attention of students
 Presentation of subject matter
·         In demonstration method the presentation of subject matter is very important
·         In demonstration method the principle of reflecting thinking should be kept in mind.
·         In demonstration method The teacher should relate the current topic  to the previous knowledge of the students
The performance of the teacher in the demonstration should be ideal and interesting for the student.
·         The demonstration should be neat and clean and visible to all students
Teaching Aids
The teacher can also use different teaching aids like graphs, models, blackboard during demonstration.
·         The evaluation is the most important step of the demonstration, in this step teacher evaluate the result of his demonstration and get feedback from the students

Merits of demonstration method
·         Demonstration method helps students to understand the topic easily
·         Demonstration method helps students in teaching learning process and keep them active
·         Demonstration method leads to concrete  learning
·         Demonstration method use the principles of reflective thinking
·         Demonstration method helps to motivate students in teaching learning process
·         Demonstration method arouses the spirit of discovery in students
·         Demonstration method imparts maximum knowledge to students
Demerits of demonstration method
·         Students are not involved in practice therefore they cannot benefit directly and gain personal experiences because teacher carry out the demonstration
·         Demonstration method is costly because it requires costly materials
·         Demonstration method is time-consuming method
·         Demonstration method is not based on learning by doing but rather by seeing
·         Demonstration method does not provide training for the scientific method
·         Demonstration method lack of experienced teachers to carry out the demonstration
It is the suitable method for teaching at the secondary classes. Teacher can ask students to complete the task on time and for the topic where he can’t use Demonstration method, he can use other methods to explain the concept. The can ask a group of Students to demonstrate the experiment.  


Tuesday, February 4, 2020


By Khan
Keyword; types  of Emotions, Characteristics of Emotions, Effects of Emotions, Factors influencing Emotional Development, Educational Implication of Emotional Development, Stages of Emotional Development, Family Environment & Emotional Development, Intelligence & Emotional Development

  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • Kinds of Emotions
  • Characteristics of Emotions
  • Effects of Emotions
  • Factors influencing Emotional Development
  • Educational Implication
  • Suggestions
  • Stages of Emotional Development
  • Conclusion
Emotional development is considered as a uniquely integrative and psychologically constructive feature of psychological growth in infancy and childhood. The role of emotions in child behavior and development is very important. The nature of emotion discussed in structuralist and functionalist approaches in the process of emotional development in children. The focus is on the term ‘what is emotional development'. The development of emotions, the contributions of psychobiological growth, emotional understanding and the growth of self-awareness.
The word emotion is derived from the Latin word Emovere which means to stir up, to agitate or to excite.
R.S. Woodworth (1945) by “Emotion is a moved or stirred up state of an organism. It is a stirred up state of feeling that is the way it appears to the individual himself. It is a disturbed muscular and glandular activity that is the way it appears to external observers”.
According to Crow and Crow (1973), an emotion is an effective experience that accompanies generalized inner adjustment and mental and psychological stirred up states in the individual and that shows itself in his own behavior.
Example:  A child sees a bull dog coming towards him. He experiences an instinctive fear and undergoes the above three processes. Firstly, he perceives the bull dog. Secondly he experiences an emotion of fear and thirdly he tries to run away. It is, therefore, concluded that an emotion is an effective experience that one undergoes during an instinctive excitement.

Kinds of Emotion
Ø   Positive
                                    Emotions like affection, Love, happiness, curiosity, and joy which are helpful for normal behavior are called as positive emotions.
Ø  Negative
                                    Unpleasant emotions like anger, jealousy and fear which are harmful to the individual’s mental development are called negative emotions.
Characteristics of Emotions
  • All emotions are temporary
  • Every person have different emotions, it means the state of emotions are differ from person to person
  • Emotions are present in every living organism.
  • Emotions are frequently occurring many times at short time of interval.
  • Some emotions aroused by different stimuli or situations
  • One emotion may trigger a  number of similarly emotions
  • Emotions are present at all age and stages of the development
  • Emotions in general, are the product of perception.
  • Small children can’t hide their emotions and express them by other means like thumb-sucking, nail-biting, crying and speech difficulties
Effects of Emotions on the Developing Individual
  • Emotions provide energy to a person to face a particular situations
  • Emotions motivate the behavior
  • Emotions influence individual adjustment in the society
  • Sometime Highly emotional conditions disturb the mental equilibrium of an individual
  • Highly emotional conditions could also disturb the reasoning & thinking skills of an individual
Factors Influencing Emotional Development
  • Health and physical development of an individual
  •  Intelligence level of an individual
  • Family environment of an individual
  • School environment of an individual
  • Peer groups environment
  • Community and society’s environment
Heath & Physical Development of an Individual
  • Any deficiency in physical health development internal or external leads to emotional disturbance in an individual
  • Physically weak children or suffer occasional illness children are more emotionally upset and unstable than children whose healthy
Intelligence & Emotional Development
  • E.B. Hurlock has observed, “There is less emotional control, on the average, among those of the lower intellectual level than among children of the same group who are bright.
  • An intelligent individual is in a better position to exercise control over his emotions
Family Environment & Emotional Development
  • A good family environment and healthy relationships between the parents is very conducive for the emotional development of the child
  • The treatment of the child by the parents and other members of the family also influence the emotional development of the child
  • The gender of the child or order of birth child, size of the family, socio-economic conditions of the family, the parents attitude towards the child “overprotected or neglected)”  all are the important factors in the emotional development of the child

School Environment
            The attitude of the teachers, class fellows, school discipline, physical facilities, methods of teaching and co-curricular activities influence emotional development of children
Community & Society’s Environment and Emotional Development
·         Humans live in the form of society and the child picks up many traits of his emotional behavior from his surroundings
Developmental Characteristics of Infancy (Birth to 2 Years)
  • The development of basic trust and positive attachment occur between the infant and the primary caretaker in the first year.  This is a foundation stone of emotional development.
Developmental Characteristics of Early Childhood (2-6 Years)
  • The preschool child has been described as “on the make." Erikson refers to the child's primary mode of operation during this stage as initiative. 
  • The child is intrusive and like to takes charge, he is very curious and continually tries new things, manipulates the environment, and is busy self-chosen activities  
  • The child's ability to understand "right" and "wrong" leads to self-assessments and affects the development of self-esteem
Developmental Characteristics of Late Childhood (6-12 Years)
  • The child is full of energy, purposeful, and goal directed in his/her activities
  • The child is confident and self-directed. The child is developing a better sense of his/her self as an individual; the child at this stage is capable of introspection.
  • The child evaluates his/her worth by performance. Self-esteem is largely derived from one's perceived abilities
Developmental Characteristics of Adolescence (12-18 Years)
  • The early adolescent stage is strongly identified with the peer group. Youth depend upon their peers for emotional stability and support and Self-esteem is greatly affected by acceptance of peers
  • During middle and late adolescence, identity is more individualized, and a sense of self develops. Self-esteem is influenced by  the  youth's  ability  to  live  up  to  internalized  standards  for behavior.
Educational Implications of Emotional Development
  • There are several situations and things in the home and the school which make a child unhappy rather than happy.
  • It is common to note that children experience too many unpleasant emotions like anger, fear and jealousy than positive emotions of affection, joy and pleasure.
  • The positive emotions experience helps the child to develop a positive outlook on life.
  • In the childhood stage the child gradually expose the peer groups, school environment and society, Where sometime the find it difficult to adjustment. Teachers and parents are needed to take immediate and appropriate action to save the child from emotional complicacies.
  • Teachers should make students familiar with the teaching and non-teaching staff. Game, sports, picnic, and study tour arrange to develop healthy habits and pacify emotional problems.
  • Jealousy, Anger and Fear can be overcome through the organization and participation in curricular and co-curricular activities.
  • Methods and techniques of teaching like storytelling, discussion etc. should be used to make teaching-learning situation joyful and democratic
F.B. Hurlock states five causes which disturb emotional stability:
  • Children should be helped to express their emotions in a natural way
  • Children should be helped to develop a realistic understanding of  the situations that arouse unpleasant emotions
  • Children should be helped to control their feelings which may offend others
Thwarted Desires
  • Children should be gradually directed to exercise more of internal self-control
  • Counseling may be useful in cases of highly disturbed emotional states of minds
  • Emotions plays a very vital role in all fields of life
  • The emotions of fear, anger and love are also present in infancy stage
  • Parent’s behavior, environmental conditions plays a crucial role in the emotional development in children life.
  • Instead of endangering self-esteem of the children give them adequate opportunities of self-expression.


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