Monday, October 1, 2018

Curriculum of Teacher Education

Curriculum of Teacher Education
Program Objectives; Curriculum Design; Program Outcomes; Rational of Programme; Program Mission Statement; Curriculum of Pakistan

B.Ed. level
Curriculum of a subject is said to be the burning pulse of a nation. By looking at the curriculum one can judge the state of intellectual development and the state of progress of the nation. The world hasturned into a global village; new ideas and information are pouring in like a stream. It is, therefore, imperative to update our curricula regularly by introducing the recent developments in the relevant fields of knowledge. In fact, any change in the nature, purpose, quality and character of the school demands a concomitant change in teacher education, especially in its curriculum. Keeping in view the task of bringing qualitative change in institutional efficiency of the teacher education system is not only a big task rather a huge and challenging one

l  The program must have documented measurable objectives that support institution mission statements.
Program Mission Statement
l  To equip perspective teachers with professional excellence in order to give every child the best possible education to start his life successfully, to become a useful member of the society and of the world, To develop qualities of self-realization and self-determination.
Program Objectives
l  The department aims at preparing effective classrooms teachers for primary and secondary grades who:
l  Have mastery over content.
l  Can use modern instructional strategies to the needs of the learner.
l  Make optimum use of technology in instruction.
l  Perform all tasks related to effective instruction.
l  Will be able to integrate educational theory into best pedagogical practices.
Curriculum Design  
l  Strategic plan for B.Ed layout of the areas/elements that is included in the program to educate Perspective teachers to graduate level.
l  These elements are Program Contents, Program Delivery Methodology and Program Output Evaluation.
B.Ed program consist of 2 semesters offered in the fall and spring of each year. B.Ed program is comprised of 36 credit hours. 21 credit hours are for core subjects, whereas, 12 credit hours for elective courses, 3 credit hours are practicum.
Practical Work
l  Program delivery methodology includes lectures, practical work, tutorials, assignments, and teaching practice in their respective subjects. So students are given assignments which are relevant to the application of theory in practically in Schools.
l  Projects
l  Perspective teachers are also given the demonstration lessons in their field of specialization where they deliver model lessons. So it is an opportunity for the perspective teachers where they can apply whatever they have learnt from theory. At the end of the course they are given demonstration lesson which is graded/ observed by the faculty.
Program Outcomes
l The B.Ed. program is designed to produce following outcomes:
    Develop sense of responsibility to be always devoted and dedicated for the cause of education.
    Present a model of integrity, sincerity, and of hard work in the performance of duties.
    Become rational, optimistic and balanced individuals of the society.
    Have love for learning and academic research.
    Impart knowledge in such a manner as to prepare students for future leadership of the country.

Program Mission Statement
l  To make future perspective teachers with professional excellence in order to give every child the best possible education to start his life successfully, to become a useful member of the society and of the world and to develop qualities of self-realization and self-determination.
Program Objectives
l  The department aims at preparing effective classrooms teachers for primary and secondary grades who:
l  Have the ability to lead educational institutions.
l  Can provide effective guidance and counseling services to students.
l  Take optimum use of instructional technology.
l  Are well equipped with computer/ IT Skills
l  Will be able to integrate educational theory with pedagogical skills.

Program Contents
l  MEd program consist of 2 semesters offered in the fall and spring of each year. MEd program is comprised of 36 credit hours. 24 credit hours are for core subjects, whereas, 12 credit hours for elective courses.

Practical Work
l  Program delivery methodology includes lectures, practical work, tutorials, assignments, and teaching practice in their respective subjects. So students are given assignments which are relevant to the application of theory practically in Schools.

Program Outcomes
The M.Ed. program is designed to produce following outcomes:
        Develop sense of responsibility to be always devoted and dedicated for the cause of education.
        Present a model of integrity, sincerity, and of hard work in the performance of duties.
        Become rational, optimistic and balanced individuals of the society.
        Have love for learning and academic research.
        Impart knowledge in such a manner as to prepare students for future leadership of the country.

Rational of Programme.
A distinct departure from the existing programme is noticeable in overall scheme of studies includingthe courses on reflective practices and criticalthinking. A teacher in the classroom has to make adjustment in teaching strategies according to the nature and scope of the curriculum and evaluate the success of teaching in terms of student growth. Effort has been directed towards developing certaincompetencies and skills in prospective teacher,which will be helpful in the shaping of a teacher for an effective role-play.
Interaction between the school and community is gaining importance in the modern context. Several activities promote school-community-teacher relationship; a course with dynamic content outline has been developed on school, society and teacher and on sociological and cultural issues. Prospective teacher will gain insight for bringing positive attitude in classroom teaching towards plurality of cultures which has been badly missing in oureducational system. Planning and carrying out an action research and involvement of prospectiveteachers in practical/field work would greatly reduce isolation of the teacher education system in practical terms and pedagogical principles.
It would lead to innovativeness. Self-esteem and self-confidence on their part when thoroughly analyzed and understood, the curriculum framework should provide sufficient insight to prepare reflective and contemplative practitioners in classroom and outside. Practice teaching is essentially a major and joint responsibility of teacher training institution and the school involving teacher educators, prospective teachers and schoolteachers. Inclusion of short term training with long term teaching practice will provide an opportunity to prospective teachers to extend their role in the school situation other than classroom teaching. Involvement of prospective teachers in school related activities during short term teaching practice such as maintenance of school records and registers, management of laboratories and library, preparation of tests and assignments, admission and selection of students, preparation of school budget and development plans and classroom management etc.


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