Saturday, August 3, 2024



Course Title: EDU-701        Research Methods in 3 Credit Hours






Unit 1: The Scientific Basis of Education:

                        Source of knowledge, science as a source of knowledge,                                                      Characteristics of science.


Unit 2: The Role of Research in Education:

                        Types of research, The relationship between research and                                                    evaluation, Research, evaluation, and Educational change, factors                                                hindering educational research,.


Unit 3: Selecting the Research Problem:

                        Types of research problems, criteria used to select a research                                               problem, using the library in educational research, sources of                                              information useful in developing, a review of the literature, writing                                       the review of the literature, developing note-taking skills.


Unit 4: The Research Hypothesis:

                        Criteria for evaluating hypothesis, some objections to hypothesis                                         construction, writing the research hypothesis.


Unit 5: Research Design, Descriptive Approaches:

                        The case study the sample survey, Correlation studies                                                           developmental studies, cross cultural studies.


Unit 6: Research Design, Factors Affecting Internal and External Validity:                                           Variables in experimental research, some criteria for evaluating                                           experimental designs internal validity, Methods of Equating                                                  experimental and control groups external validity.


Unit 7: Research Design; Types of Experimental Designs: 

                        Counterbalancing Techniques and Designs ex post factor designs.


Unit 8: Obtaining Information from Respondents; other Techniques:                                                    Disguised non-structured methods disguised structured methods                                        Sociometry the Q-sort technique, The semantic differential content                                                 analysis.


Unit 9: Data Processing:

                         Data processing forms and records, computational aids, the use of                                                 electronic computers, types of electronic computers “ Modern”                                              computers, preparing data for electronic processing, summary.









  1. William, (2009), Research Methods in Education



  1. Sax, G. (1979), Foundation of educational research, Prentice, Englewood                         Cliffs,             New Jersey – Hall.


  1. Cohen&Mansion, (2007) Research method in education issues adj.                                               London, Sydney, Dover, New Hampshire–Croon Helan.



  1. Best, J.H. (1977), Research in education (3rded) Englewood, Cliffs, New                            Jersey – Prentice Inc.


  1. Wiersma& Stephen (2004), Research methods in education.  An                             introduction (8thed.)



Reference Books:



  1. Barton, K.C. (2006), Research methods in social studies education             contemporary issues and perspectives.


7.    Venkataich. N. (2004), Research in value education: New Delhi APH Pub.                                   Co.




















EDU-615                   ADVANCED  EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH                  3 Credit Hours                                                                     


Learning  Outcomes:


At the completion of the course the prospective teacher will be able to:

1                    Define the concept of Research Design.

2                    Select a research problem and explain it.

3                    Differentiate between Descriptive and Experimental Research.

4                    Explain data collection tools and techniques.

5                    Find out statistical techniques.

6                    Develop a synopsis and defend it.

7                    Present a written report.

Unit 1: Introduction to the field of Educational Research

1.1       Scope and Function of Educational Research

1.2       Research by purpose

1.3       Research by method

1.4       The function of research

1.5       Limitations of educational research

1.6       Primary and Secondary sources of collecting data

1.7       Qualitative research designs.

            1.8       Quantitative research designs


Unit 2: Research Problem

2.1       Choosing and selecting the research problem

2.2       Refinement of research problem

2.3       The significance of problem statements.


Unit 3: Statistics in research

3.1       Introduction to descriptive statistics

3.2       Importance of statistics in research

3.3       Graphic Portrayals of data.

3.4       Measures of Central Tendency.

3.5       Measures of Variability.

3.6       Measures of relationship.


Unit 4:  Types of Research

4.1       Descriptive Research

4.2       Correlational Research.

4.3       Survey Research.

4.4       Experimental research.

4.5       Quasi experimental designs.

4.6       Case Study

4.7       Ex post facto Research

4.8       Action Research.


Unit 5:  Research Proposal

5.1       Objectives of the study

5.2       Significance of the Study

5.3       Formulation of Hypothesis / Research questions

5.4       Population, Sample and Sampling Techniques

5.5       Tools and Techniques

5.6       Limitation and Delimitation

5.7       Pilot Study

5.8       References



Unit 6:  Components of thesis/dissertation

6.1       Preliminary Pages

6.1.1     Title page

6.1.2     Acknowlegement

6.1.3     Abstract

6.1.4     Table of Contents

6.1.5     List of Figures

6.1.6     List of Illustration

6.2       Main Text

6.2.1     Introduction

6.2.2     Review of Related Literature

6.2.3     Method and procedure

6.2.4     Results and Discussion

6.2.5     Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

6.3       References

6.4       Appendix


Books Recommended:


            1.         Best, John. W: (1959),   Research in education: Englewood Cliffs,                                                                           New York: Prentice Hall, Inc.


            3.         Aggarwal, J.C. (2002), Educational research:  An introduction,
                                                            New Delhi,  Arya Book Depot.


4.            Kaufhold, J.a. (2007), Basic statistics for educational research.


5.            Lodico, M.G., Spaulding, D.J and Voegtles K.H. (2006), Methods in                                                                                                             educational research;                                                                                             from theory to                                                                                                practice.


6.            Elizabeth, O. (2005), Work book to accompany practical statistics                                         for education.