Friday, October 11, 2024



Back Ground:

Adolescence is the most important period of human life. Adolescence is that span of fears during which boys and girls more from childhood to dult hood physically, mentally, emotionally ad socially. It is also viewed as a process of achieving the attitude and the belief needed for the effective participation in the community. 

Addescents personality is the result of many forces. There total personality is the result of many forces their total personality is the sum total of attributes and qualities of heredity and environment factors which operate together on the lives of these individab in the integration of addescent personality, all conditions and basic abilities interplay their role.    

Justification of the Study:

Charles skinner has defined the adolescence phase of life philosophical word according to him, it is the most crvcial period in life of human being. It is a time when the surge of life reaches its peak. The adolescent is eager to interact with new experience and finds new relationship to examine sources of inner strength and fathom the strength of inner ability he tries to have freedom to think and set his own goals and discovers means to achieve is not interacting with other at individual level but one of developing his own potentialities. he reaches his limits. 

He tries to explore his role in the society and in the world in which he lives. 

In order to succeed in administering guidance to adolescents to help them to face the world as mentioned above one must know their life and the nature and extent of problems for which they need guidance. 

Statement of a Problem:

The problem under study, here is to find out the role of the guidance and counseling during adolescent period. 


To enumerate developing identity during adolescence. 
To identify home-centered, school centered and community centered problems and their possible solutions. 

To explain the importance of family relationship during this stage. 
To classify factors that effect motivation in adolescents. 
To identify the importance of peer relationship in their lives. 
To determine the role of “Self Concept” during adolescents. 

Method and Procedure


Sample will consist of teen age boys and girls of schools and colleges. 
Construction of Questionire      
The questionire will consist of closed as well as open ended. 

Tabulation and analysis of the Data 

The information/data collected will be arranged, organized and tabulated fer analysis to be interpreted and expressed in percentage as well as in graphical representation. 
The conclusion of this research will lead us to put forth certain suggestions and recommendation that when implanted, will help the adolescent. 


 H E A V E N Originally the term “Heaven” referred to the sky or the area above the earth where the “Heavenly bodies” are placed.  Heaven (A...