Relationship Between Education & Psychology||Relationship between Education & Psychology
Submitted by:
Sultan Muhammad Khan
Meaning and Historical background of Psychology:
The word ‘Psychology’ is derived from Greek word Psycho and logos. Psycho’ means ‘Soul’ and ‘logos’ means ‘Science’, The Science of Soul.
Psychology acquired separate status very recently. Formerly it was studied as a sub-branch of philosophy. Later on philosophers give another definition of psychology; the ‘science of mind’. All these definitions were given by philosophers-psychologists prior to the beginning of experimental psychology.
Psychology as ‘Science of Behavior’
Today psychology is scientific methods of collecting data about individuals and groups to analyze and predict their behavior.
Roots of Psychology
The roots of Psychology could be traced back in philosophy and science. When physiologists of the late nineteenth century began to use scientific methods to study mind, later on Psychology became an independent scientific discipline.
Scientific Roots of Psychology
By nineteenth century, psychologists were progressing than philosophers in answering questions about the nature of psychological processes.
Education and psychology
Education is a process which enables the individual to distinguish between true and false, good and bad, right and wrong (Imam Ghazali)
Stephen, “Educational Psychology is the systematic study of the educational growth and development of a child".
Some psychologists called psychology as a branch of education, as James Mill implied in the early nineteenth century. However, some other psychologist Disagree with them, who were familiar with the history of psychology and continuing, links between psychology and education. They defend it with the comparison of historical and contemporary relationship between education and psychology.
One question, which is frequently asked that a field like psychology, which is divided within self, could be used and applied constructively to a practical field like education. It is the fact that we are dealing with two different fields; one is concerned with human ends and the means of promoting them, the other with understanding and knowledge of human experience and actions. Today it is acknowledged widely that psychology has influenced education in the past.
Why We Study Psychology In Education
It is very essential for a teacher to teach his students according to their mental abilities. Educational psychology helps the teacher in doing so. It enables the teacher to teach where and how? It helps us in the following ways.