Sunday, October 30, 2011

Video conference and Education

Video conference facility and Education

By Sultan Muhammad

Video conference facility is an essential part of computer education. Today teachers are sitting miles away from their students and can still teach them by using Internet and audio video conference facility. They can see each other if so desired.
All the above are used by the distance education universities in developed countries. Even in Pakistan a virtual university has recently been established for the provision of distance learning/ education with the help of computers networked through the Internet.

Pakistan is making all possible endeavors for the provision of quality computer education by making available all the required infrastructure and facilities. In this regard different organizations are being supported and encouraged. One such organization that is playing a pivotal role in this regard is IRDO, Integrated rural development organization. Integrated rural development organization has already started its computer literacy program in NWFP (kpk). In this program the organization will provide Three thousand computers to different government run schools of NWFP.(KPK) Initial they have provided three hundred computers. Computer as a subject will be started in those schools to which computers are being/ will be provided. The organization will conduct computer classes using the same facilities and infra structures after school timing for students who are interested in computer education, these students to be referred to as private students will pay a certain amount of fee to Integrated rural development organization. The amount of this fee has not been fixed till this moment.
Integrated rural development organization will also be charging a nominal fee from the students who will be imparted computer education during regular time.

With this program and other such programs that are in the pipe line modern equipment will be available to the schoolteacher as well as to the students of the other wise deprived government schools. Now we will have more able manpower to meet the challenges of the new millennium and play a dominant part in the development and advancement of Pakistan. This program and other such programs that are on its way will not only improve the quality of education of NWFP (KPK)  but well also improve the IQ level of the students. It will polish the inner abilities of the students. It will give confidence to the student and level a path for un- imaginable future development.

This program will also help the teachers at the schools concerned, as now they will find new ways and means to solve the problems and impart quality education, which was previously, impossibility. With the help of Computers they will get an access to the world wide web via the internet, making it possible for them to access unimaginable quantities of information available toady updating their knowledge. Now it will take just moments to access the Internet find answer to their queries or take an advice from an expert in the respective field. Also now these teachers will be able to offer their services to a host of persons around the globe.
Integrated rural development organization program of provision of computers and other such programs will bring the computer technology to the door steps of people living in the other wise inaccessible villages and towns bringing them at par with people of the developed world in certain aspects.

(Analysis of Computer education and syllabus for B.Ed / M.Ed students at Institute of Education and Research, University of Peshawar)


Bell, Robert, Gerald Fowler and Ken Little (1973), Education in Great Britain and Ireland, London. Routledge by Kegan Paul Ltd.
Berglund, A. et al, (1996). Encouraging Active Participation in Programming Classes. 7th National Conference on College Teaching and Learning, Florida Community College, Florida.
Berglund, Anders and Mats Daniels.  Improving Education Quality (A full scale study), Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, Sweden.
Borg, W.H. & M.D. Gall, (1989). Educational Research, 5th ed, Longman.
Dienes, Sheila S. (1997). Microsoft Office Professional, Delhi BPB Publications.
Eisner, Howard, (1988). Computer–Aided System Engineering, USA, Prentice Hall Inc.
Fuori, Williaum M., Anthony D. Arco and Lawrence Orilia (1973). Introduction To Computer Operation, USA, McGraw Hill Inc.
Hoffman, Paul E, (1998). Internet Instant Reference.
McMillan, Janes H. and Sally Schumacher (1981). Research In Education: A Conceptual Introduction, Harper Collins Inc.
Sinha P.K, (1997). Computer Fundamentals. Delhi BPB Publications.
Anon. (1970). Teacher Education in the Developing Countries of the Commonwealth. London, Commonwealth Secretariat.
Teja, Edward R. (1981). Teaching Your Computer To Talh, USA.
Tibble, J.W. (1971). The Future of Teacher Education, London. Routledge by Kegan Paul Ltd. 
Wittch, Walter Arno and Charles Francis Schuller. Audio-Visual Materials, New York, Harper And Brothers.

Saturday, October 29, 2011



By Nasir Azam 

We may define learning as a change in Behaviour which is more or less permanent in nature, and which results from activity, training, observation or insight. To say that learning must have taken place when there is a change in Behaviour is not enough; such a change must persist for a while. Momentary changes in Behaviour due to sensory adaptation may take place but learning is not necessarily involved. 

The constant changes in the behavior of an individual, which is not brought about by maturation and development but by his own experiences is known as learning.

Dr. Abdul Hayee defines it as “ learning is the name of change in he Behaviour by the experiences of an individual.

Nature of learning

A deep observation of an individual shows that learning has an important place in his life. In human being, its importance further increases. Every voluntary action is known by learning. Without learning, a man can not think of his social, emotional and personal life. Learning is continues from birth and ends with death, and an individual learns from his environment through out his life.

Experiments and training gives a redial changes to thought and learning. These changes appear in man as habits, attitudes, aptitude, skills, knowledge, understanding and insight. The process of appearing these changes is known as learning. Learning is the behavioral change affected by the previous experiences and which gives new thoughts and wishes to him.

Steps of learning

According to Corback the steps of learning are following:

1.               Goal

Every person has a desire or need which he wants to fulfil. He gets satisfaction if he achieve his goal. He tries his best to get it and discovers new ways and approaches to it. There can be many wishes at a time but we want to get immediate satisfying needs and postpone the others.

2.               Readiness

Need and readiness has a basic place in learning. Without mental and physical readiness, learning is impossible. Readiness includes physical strength, mental preparation, experiences of past and need for learning. Affection and love should be used for readiness instead of oppression.

3.               Situation

Existent situation plays an important role in learning. If the situation does not allow a child to get the goal, he changes it and utilize his special Behaviour to get it. 

4.               Interaction

Besides situation, the interaction of different activities is also essential. The interaction of child is different from the adult. Every individual works accordingly to its own interaction.

5.               Response

To get the goal, the individual adopts different ways according to the situation. After the interaction of the situation he thinks of different ways but test taken on different aspects and adopt a way accordingly the response or result of these tests.

6.               Result or consequences

The consequences or result can effect the efforts of individual. The learning depends on the satisfaction of the individual. He learns better if he is encouraged in such activities.

7.               Reaction to failure

Some time the result is not according to the goal. In this case, the individual thinks, evaluate and re-try or change his Behaviour and idea after the failure 

Types of learning

Following are some major types of learning

Learning by trial and errors

This method is specific for animals, but can also be used by children and adults. In this kind of learning, the learner tries to learn something without thinking over it. Some of its efforts become successful while some fail.  If the learner gets its goal after a long chain of successes and failures, and learns to do its work without any blunder and failure, this is the learning by trial and error.

In 1896, Thorndike began his study of animals. In his well-known experiments with cats he placed a young and lively cat in the cage and put a piece of fish outside. Plenty of action on the part of cat was observed. It pushed its claws through the bars, bit the bars and tried to squeeze through them. Eventually it touched the button, which held the cage door, the door opened and the cat got out. Again this hungry cat was placed in the cage, it still attempted a “trial and error” approach to the problem, but this time there were fewer actions and the door was opened sooner. With further trials the successful movements were stamped in and useless ones eliminated, so that on being placed in the cage once more the animal got out in couple of seconds.

The essentials of trial and error are the following;

-                  the presence of stimuli e.g hunger
-                  during continous struggle the successful action one is repeated
-                  Due to continous repeats of trials the connection or interaction between stimuli and response becomes strong.

There are two types of trail and error learning;

Place learning

To find out correct place to get the goal after continous struggle is place learning. It is of two types positive adaptation, when correct situation is found to get the goal, negative adaptation, to give up the errors during the struggle.

Tool learning

In animals the place learning is helped by tools, learning e-g a captive cat in a cage when learns to lift the handle.

Learning by Insight

In learning, problem solving is a matter of great interest to everyone connected with education. In this kind of learning, some goal has to be reached but the way is not immediately clear. The individual often makes use of the following: the observation, reasoning, generalization and what the psychologists call “ insight”. This term requires some explanation and to understand it we must go to the Thorndike experiment. It will be remembered that Thorndike believed that the cat used purely “ trial and error” approach when attempting to get out of the box to eat fish. Kohler, however, in 1927, pointed out that Thorndike’s problem was so arranged that it was hardly possible to solve them without such activity.

In his own experiments, Kohler found that a chimpanzee, after looking at a problem for a while would suddenly solve it at a first attempt without making any false moves. This Kohler called insight. Thus a chimpanzee quickly learnt, after studying the situation, how to use a box as a stool from whish to reach up to the suspended banana; but the stacking of several boxes to reach a higher object proved much more difficult for many of the animals. Even if they reached the objects, the boxes were often stacked in such a manner that they were unstable. In other words, some has sufficient insight to solve the problem geographically but even so, they could not always solve it mechanically.  
There are two types of insight;

Foresight means to see the result before time and hindsight means to get the benefit from the result after the action.

Learning by imitation

Imitation means to see a process and then repeat it in the same way. In imitation learning the ability is also needed like readiness and interest. For copying mental flexibility is needed. Monkeys have a developed form of imitation among the animals. According to some psychologists, it is done by trial and error or by wisdom. If some one is easily intimated then it is due to insight and if it is done with difficulty then it is due to trail and error. Children imitate their parents and teachers.

Learning by conditioned reflex

Every action has natural stimuli. Not only, the natural stimuli but the artificial stimulus is a also responsible for a response. When an action is related to artificial stimuli, it is called conditioning.

Russian scientist Ivon Pavlov made many experiments on his dogs in this respect. He found that saliva flowed from a dog’s mouth not only when food was placed in front of it, but also when the dog heard the approaching footsteps of the person brining food, or if it heard, a bell rung just before food was brought. Now the normal flow of saliva when food is in the mouth of dog is a reflex action and we may write:

                        Unconditioned stimuli                 unconditioned response
                        (Food in mouth)                        (Reflex action of saliva)

However, when the animal learns to associate the sound of a bell with food soon to be eaten, and commences to saliva before food is actually in the mouth, we may say that the complete sequence is:

            Conditioned stimuli                                conditioned response
            (Sound of bell or footsteps)                    (Advanced flow of saliva)

An American psychologist Watson applied this principle on human beings and the results are very useful. Watson observed that in initial stages, infants are naturally only afraid of losing their balance and from terrible noises. All the fears in the rest of their life are created because of our wrong training and indifference. He put a frog, fish, pigeon, rabbit and harmless snake near the nine month old child and observed that the child was not at all afraid of these, rather he was excited and starting play with them. After some days, he become familiar and very frank with them.

After some days, he installed a device near a child, which could produce terrible sound. Whenever the child started to play with these animals, a terrible sound was generated by this device. Since the child is already afraid of terrible sounds, he associated these sound with harmless animals and started fearing from these animals as well. This means that the child starts to fear the animals because of conditioned reflex.

Watson carried out further experiments and concluded that majority of the children develop these fears because of unpleasant experiences of their environment. Adults also learn similarly.

Philosophy of education

Philosophy of education

Philosophy is derived form two Latin words. Philo and Sophia. Philo means “love” and sophia means “wisdom”. It means love for wisdom. Wisdom is the only quality due to which human beings are different fro0….                                                                                                                                          m animals. Every act or every activity has its own philosophy behind it. For example, the philosophy behind offering prayers is submission to God. While doing anything we use our brain and for this purpose, we use our wisdom or intellectual ability in which many things are involved.

i.                 Thinking
ii.               Planning
iii.             Decision making
iv.             Evaluation
v.               Observation
vi.             Selecting and rejecting
vii.           Concluding
viii.         Comparing and contrasting
ix.              Analyzing
x.                Assessing
xi.              Arguing
xii.            Synthesizing
xiii.          Comprehension

Definition of philosophy:

Leighton A-J defines it as “ philosophy gives a world view of the whole cosmos and a life view of the human beings values and purpose of life”

Montage.S has defined it as “Philosophy is an attempt to give reason and conception of the whole universe and of man’s place in it”. So brief we can say that philosophy provides a comprehensive relationship of man with universe and the creator of the universe.

This term is defined by a number of people by a number of ways. Some say that philosophy is “love for knowledge” some call it “pursuit of knowledge” the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines the term “ philosophy” as “search for knowledge and understanding of the nature and meaning of the universe and of human life” it is the study of the principles on which human behaviour is based. The world’s famous encyclopedia “Encyclopedia Britannica has defined philosophy as” the critical examination of the grounds for fundamental beliefs and an analysis of the basic concepts employed in the expression of such beliefs. Philosophical inquiry is a central element in the intellectual history of many historical civilizations.  In the light of above definition, it is concluded that philosophy is search for knowledge, wisdom, and the realties of life and principles. It is concerned with the a search for the eternal truth.

Functions/scope of philosophy:

Philosophy is an important subject that enables man to understand the very purpose of his existence in comparison to the universe, other living and non-living things and above all this helps him in understanding the relationship with his creator. Different philosophers have elaborated these important aspects of the philosophy in the form of functions of philosophy. Putting all the views of these philosophers,

 we can conclude the following:

1.               Philosophy searches for truth and reality
2.               Philosophy determines all standard of morality
3.               Philosophy criticized all existing fields of knowledge
4.               Philosophy propagates methods of deep thinking
5.               It investigate the whole realm of knowledge
6.               It gives a comprehensive worldview of life
7.               It discusses in detail the vital problems and issues of life
8.               It presents effective theories for successful living
9.               It preaches humbleness
10.            It makes people open minded
11.            It develops positive and objective outlook towards life
12.            It makes people inquisitive, rational and wise.

1.               It searches for truth and reality:
The foundation of philosophy lies in its investigative nature. It tries to find out the root causes and foundational facts about everything. It questions about the nature of vital issues of life. A real philosopher never satisfied until he reaches the root causes. Plato famous quotation explains this point very nicely. He says “ it is enough to say that a thing is so but the real knowledge to know why it is so”. If say this plant is green, it is not true but if a say why it is green this the true form of knowledge.

2:         It determines all standard of morality:
This subject takes great interest in the moral nature of man. It has a separate well
Developed branch which purely studies the moral aspects of human life and is called
Ethics. It deals with expected moral behaviour of man.
Humanity and its existence due to the belief and practice of high standard of morality. This subject takes great interest in the moral nature of man. It has separate well-developed branch, which purely studies the moral aspects of human life and is called ethics. it deals with expected moral behaviour of man

3:         It criticizes all existing fields of knowledge:

We criticize for improvement. The purpose is to analysis. It means break down into pieces for improvement. Philosophy criticizes all fields of knowledge. Criticism is a process, which if carried out in a healthy manner always leads to improvement and betterment. It involves analysis if the existing situation in order to put forward suggestions for better results. Critical approach in life ensures success and high level of achievement. There are two main advantages of criticism;

1.               It brings better comprehension of the composition of the nature of things
2.               It leads to improvement by developing the existing knowledge.

Philosophy has greatly criticized the following main institutions of life

1.               Government

This institution is criticized in order to find out the best form of govt. democracy, dictatorship and many other forms are analyzed in order to guide people for the best way of serving people.

2.               Education

This is another institution criticized by philosophers. The main purpose is improvement of the standard and quality of education

3.               Religion

In order to promote clarity of concepts, values ,believes and religion has been targeted by the philosophers. They believe in that philosophical understanding of the views and believes  that strengthen the faith

4.               It propagates method of deep thinking

Philosophy by nature is a reflective subject, which promotes thinking of all degree. Thinking is the tool of philosophers. They get involve in extensive and intensive thinking. The following are the main methods of deep thinking developed by philosophers.

i.                 Reflective thinking is that form of thinking where reflection of the past or previous activities are expected
ii.               Reasoning is a process of finding out systematic arguments to support the existing statements. Solid reasons for all knowledge established its validity or truthfulness. Reasoning highlights the root causes, promotes logical discussions and analytical discussion.
iii.             Comparison and contrast, in order to understand the nature, similarity and differences comparison and contrast is done. Factual and conceptual types of knowledge can best be understand through this method.
iv.             Analysis and synthesis enable us to break down big concepts into pieces for the purpose of better understanding. Synthesis is that process of deep thinking where smaller concepts are put together to make bigger meaningful wholes.

5.               Philosophy investigates the whole realm of knowledge

It is a very vast subject. Instead of specialization it promotes the in-toto approach. It makes the knowledge of the total world through our senses, appears to be desptive, if it is not supported with deep thinking. A famous French philosopher Descarte says “ I think therefore I am” we can have knowledge of material things and concepts in an ideal way through deep thinking, reasoning and reflections along with the sensory knowledge. Permanence and breadth of knowledge is obtained through continuous and rigorous thinking.

6.               It gives a comprehensive world view of knowledge:

Philosophy as a subject over view all the aspects of life. The knowledge of philosophy gives us a whole sum picture of all the situation and features of life. The logic behind this function is that in order to study and understand the individual components we must look at the total scenario in order to understand the inter relationship of different aspects to each other. Philosophers have a strong belief that nothing exist in isolation. In order to appreciate its actual role we must understand the influences of different factors on each other.

7.         It discusses in detail the vital problems and issues of life

The key function of philosophy is to help people to lead a successful life, with this objective it tries its best to throw full light  on those problems and issues of life which are confronted by human beings throughout their life. The values, concepts, believes and the practical implication of them are the main subject of philosophy. The origin of universe, the beginning of life, the continuity of human races, the mechanisms of living are elaborated by this subject. The creator of the whole world and all his creations are thoroughly understand and elaborated as regards their functions and importance. This knowledge adds to the intellectual confidence and comprehension ability of people studying this subject.

8.     It presents effective theories for successful living

Philosophy concludes the intellectual efforts by presenting these in the form of concentrated theories, which can be applied at any time by any one. These theories are the essence of the whole subject of philosophy. The objective is to provide guidelines, understanding and ability to benefit and spend a successful life. These theories are the result of long experience, rigorous thinking and vast study of the relevant literature. The outstanding theories that are appreciated all over the world are idealism, realism, pragmatism, existentialism, humanism etc.

9.     It preaches humbleness

Philosophy provides the knowledge about the whole world by giving a true picture of the proportions. This enables us to understand his position in relation to the whole universe. The more we gain knowledge the more we grow thirsty for knowledge. Our ability to learn more and more makes us realize that our knowledge is not enough and absolute. We can practice humbleness in our every day life if we constantly remember our position in the trio of existence. Humbleness enables us to benefit form the experiences and theories of other people. This takes us on the road of improvement form good to better and better to best.

10.  It makes people open minded

Philosophy by virtue of its nature adds to the practical knowledge of its practionares. It develops an ability to judge everything in a non prejudiced manner. The open mindedness means broad mindedness and focusing on broad goals and long range objectives. Open minded people do not get disturb by petty issues. We should always try to look at ourselves in relation to the whole universe or the entire existing situation. We should develop a positive outlook and get red of all biases and prejudices. Open mindedness gives us strength to tolerate the negatives of life and helps us to enjoy the positive of life in a balanced way. Philosophy teaches us that we should not reject and criticize the cultures, traditions and language of others nations rather we should give them due respect and try to adopt their positive features. Open mindedness leads to progress and prosperity, 

11.  It develops positive and objective outlook towards life

Philosophy has one of its important function, develops objectivity and positives in our behaviour. If we remain objective we do not unnecessarily exaggerated situations. And we are not dominated by our personal likes and dislikes and preferences. Objective approach prevents us from getting emotional and confused. Whereas positive approach makes us optimist. Positive thinkers always take the bright sight of all aspects of life which keeps us encouraged and motivated. Positive thinkers always had the strength to face the hardships with the best utilization of their ability.

12.  It make people inquisitive, rational and wise

Wisdom is the ultimate quality to be developed by through philosophy. This quality expects a rational behaviour and an inquisitive attitude towards life. Inquisitiveness enables us to find out more and more about everything by asking questions about its nature, history, functions and importance. Satisfactory answers to these questions adds to our knowledge and makes us wise and educated. Wisdom is that state of mind, which accepts nothing without satisfactory set of reasons. Wisdom is always in search of truth and solid reasons. Philosophy gives us those skills and habits, which enables us to have a continuous addition to our wisdom and sources of information

Theories of philosophy presented by different philosophers

According to pragmatics all ideas will be accepted as true as long as they are useful and improving human life. It is critical of older system of philosophy. In part philosophy has made a mistake of looking for ultimate realities. Human life and human experiences are more important, according to pragmatists. With pragmatism philosophy shifted from metaphysical problems to the problems of social life. It is an acceptance of the experiences and facts of everyday life as fundamental. Reality is just what it is experienced as being ; it is flues or change.

 It is also called experimentalism and instructionalism, or, it believes in the sue of scientific inquiry and experimentation. All ideas will be used as instruments for human life. Supporters of this philosophy are Charles Peiral, Willam Jmaes and John Dewey.

Charles Peirce sometimes called the founder of pragmatism because in his article” how to make our ideas clear.” John Dewey is the chief supporter of this theory. To him experience is the whole human drama, and physical environment.

Aims and objectives

1.               Development of potentialities

The talent and ability of every individual should be developed

2.               Preparation of social life

Education will provide training for better social life

3.               Earn a livelihood

Education must prepare individuals such a manner that they are able to earn their living. Education should be useful for the individual

The education process

The student has a central place in teaching learning process

The teacher

1.               To act as a guide and leader, not to act as a disciplinarian or authoritarian
2.               To develop the potentialities of students
3.               To help students learn intelligently
4.               Teacher will be full of ideas and will plan the activities of students
5.               Teacher will be specially trained in the study of , child and adolescent development, child psychology, guidance and methods of teaching
6.               Teacher should not give direct instruction, but help students in a state of difficulty
7.               Freedom should be given to students to move about in the class

The pupil

1.               The student should not be passive partner in the teaching learning process
2.               They have mind, ideas and ability to shape in the learning experiences
3.               Their initiative and interest will be of permanent importance
4.               They will not memorize things but will do and create something
5.               Freedom of movement will be enjoyed by the students
6.               They should be encouraged to learn performing experiments
7.               Sufficient learning material should be provided and make available to learn by doing something

The curriculum

The curriculum should be activity based




Objects of our senses are real in their own right. Mind and external world are in interaction. Matter is prior to mind. Matter existed long before the mind become aware of it and it will continue to exist even when the mind ceases to exist. There is no mind without life and no life without matter.” The world is as it is, no matter what man thinks about it:

According to Aristotle, the real world is the world of sense and form(organization of ideas) and matter is inseparable. The exponents of this theory are Aristotle, Brondy, Herbert and Locke

Aims of education:

Realists place emphasis on “ character building” as an aim of education. It refers to regard to moral, social, religion, aesthetic, economic and political values.

The chief objective of education for realists is the good life I-g to except the challenge of life, to accept pain and pleasure as part and parcel of life. Not to be disappointed by the sorrows of life and not eb enjoy with happiness. When moderation is adopted in all works of life, the result will be good individual who will make up a good society.

The educative process:

The teacher:

According to realists, the teacher should posses the following characteristics:

1.               help students to lead a balanced life
2.               to develop their potentials
3.               to show regard to moral, social and religious values
4.               to give knowledge of the world
5.               help them to exercise self-control

The pupil

The individual personalities is formed by true principles
1.               Self-determination:

The individual himself is going to determine his place in the society. To think about his future decides about his job and perform responsibilities towards family, school and community

2.               Self-realization

Every individual realizes his potentialities and develops himself the qualities of character

3.               Self-integration

It means to integrate ones self in an intelligent way to the world to make ones contribution to life. Some integrate themselves through religion and some through social science.
There is no doubt that the individual has a unique mind, sometimes his actions are determined by outside forces. He has to learn to adjust with his environment.

The curriculum:

The purpose of curriculum will be to have mastery of information, to develop respect for values and to develop habits of logical thinking and hard work. Subject of study will include

i.                 Courses in natural sciences based on physics, Chemistry and Biology
ii.               Courses in social sciences based on Psychology. Philosophy, Literature, Biography and Religion
iii.             Vocational courses will include learning of skills

Methods of teaching:

1.               Problem solving and experimental methods are emphasized
2.               Importance is given to discussion, activity and audio-visual approach
3.               Motivation and interest will be essential parts of teaching



History and nature:

Idealism is the oldest and most talked about philosophy of education. Its popularity has never decreased right form its origination. This philosophy in the formal form was originated by Plato, in 427-346 B.C.  This philosophy in the beginning was known as ideaism where the focus was on the ideas. Latter it started to be known as idealism but emphasis still is on the nature of ideas rather than on their ideal status. Plato was supported latter by Ddescarte, Hegal, Spinoza and Karl Marx. According to these philosophers the basic reality of life is based on ideas, minds and thoughts. Ideas formulate the fundamental bases of the ladder of the priorities of life.






Mind, life and matter are the next important steps of this ladder. Everything begins when the ideas are conceived. The central principle of idealism is that of organic wholeness where a kind of inner-harmony exist between the man, world and the universe.





Idealists asserts that mind is prior to matter. Matter can not be observed appreciated and utilized if it is not noticed by mind in the form of idea and thoughts.

Objectives of education

The objectives put forward by Plato are still accepted in this modern era as the fundamental aims of education. The following are the key objectives of education according to idealism:

1.               Intellectual development

Development of the mind and thinking faculties are advocated the most. Because ideas are considered to be the products of minds and the very basic realities. Education must do its best to develop the abilities of the people. This will promote logical thinking, rational attitudes and analytical activities. Balanced intellectual development gives birth to balance and successful personalities.

2.               Self- realization

This refers to acquisition of knowledge about our selves and exploration of this knowledge for the sake of understanding. This is considered to be the highest aim of education. Teachers and adults should enable the students to identify their strengths and weaknesses right form their early age. They should also be talked to maximize the positive aspects of the personalities and to minimize the negative elements. This will promote growth of balanced personalities. Such activities should be organized which will help the individuals to develop and improve physical, intellectual, morally and spiritually. This development will enable them to seek and support truth to avoid evil, to tolerate hardships and to live and let others live peacefully.

3.               Values inculcation

Values are the most sophisticated products of the mind. Inculcation of good values is another key objective of this philosophy of education. According to idealists basic values that need to be developed through education are intellectual, moral and spiritual. Horn. H.H a famous idealist has arranged values of education in the following order

i.                 Health

Both physical and mental health should be developed throughout our lives.

ii.               Worship

This brings humbleness and gratitude and brings us closer to the creator.

iii.             Character

Development of high character is not only beneficial for the individuals but promotes peace and justice in the society also.

iv.             Beauty

Promotion, appreciation, development and creation of beauty in nature and in our personal and public life makes this world worth living.

4.               Skills development

These are very important for the self-sufficiency, economic development and overall progress of the individual and societies. Individuals rich with skills never face economic or social problems.


 H E A V E N Originally the term “Heaven” referred to the sky or the area above the earth where the “Heavenly bodies” are placed.  Heaven (A...