Friday, August 2, 2024

Leadership skills

Leadership skills:

Leadership is the ability of a person to lead a group of people to achieve a given task, Leadership is an inspiration for the people, and those people are leaders who inspire others. Leaders are present around us, we can see them in every day life, when some one among them attain the level where he can demonstrate and exercise his ability for the common purpose, they excel and then we recognize them as a leader

Mohammad (peace be upon him) is the greatest leader of world, in the history of mankind there is no other person who can reach to his level or status. He is model for all humanity, how to lead the people, if we read all the modern books about leadership today, we will see the qualities of Mohammad (peace be upon him) in these books.

Here is a list of skill which is necessary for a leader.

1.         Character:  A leader should have a strong character  

2.        Inspired people: Leader inspires others

3      Vision: A leader need vision to see things before it happen or before other   people see it

4.        Built good relationship between co-workers

5.        Building trust with them and Build trust between them

6.        Create the environment of Confidence between them

7.        Always open to suggestion

8.        Acceptable as a leader

9,        Ready to sacrifice his own interest for the sack of others

10.      Understand the responsibilities

11.      Open-minded

12.      Ability of quick decision making

13.      To understand the problem of the people

14.      Communication skills

14.      Planning

15.      Organizing (utilizing the resources to reach the target)

16.      Implementing of the plan

17.      Getting and Giving Information on time

18.      Understand the need and Characteristics of group

19.      Knowing and Understand Group Resources

20.      Controlling people

21       Counselling

22       Setting the Example

23       Evaluation

24       Sharing Leadership

25.      Dynamic ready to lead every time

26.      Islamic leader is the man of words

27.   Respectful conversations: where the leader know his feelings and the feeling of others which help in building safe and trusting relationships.

28.       Model for the society

29.       Innovative

30.       Team Building

31        Accept challenge

32        Talent Acquisition

33.       Generosity

34.       Approachability: Approachable and open to ideas from employees at all levels

35.       Welcome to new change

36       Humble 

37.      Listen to every one and act what is right

38.      be positive

39.      be fair

40.     Take ownership: Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions do not blame others. Remove your weakness and take remedial actions and move on to the next level.

41.      Always have a sense of priority in mind

42.      Self awareness: How do others see you?

43.      Coach his people

44.      Utilise team’s expertise

45.      Avoid getting caught up in unnecessary structure and process.

46.      Set and agree goals

47.      Measure success

49.      Get feedback

50.      Know the direction where he is going

51.      Sphere of Influence / area of concern

52.       Confident

53.       Love and kindness for other

54.       Passion

55.       Self-knowledge: (who am I?)

56.       Maturity: (experience)

57.     Candour: (key to self-knowledge) Love for duty, enthusiasm leads to hope inspiration.

58.       Curiosity

59.       Embrace error

60        Encourage dissent

61.       Promoting collaborative problem solving and open communication

62.       Encourage the heart: Share the success with your followers.

63        Develop a sense of responsibility in your staff

64.       Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished

65.       Timely decisions making

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