Thursday, March 28, 2024

Five Pillars of Islam

 The Five Pillars of Islam are the core beliefs and practices that form the foundation of a Muslim's faith and worship. They serve as the framework for a Muslim's spiritual life and guide their actions and interactions with others. The Five Pillars are as follows:

1. Shahada (Declaration of Faith)

   - The Shahada is the declaration of faith in Islam, proclaiming the oneness of God (Allah) and the prophethood of Muhammad. It is recited by Muslims as a statement of belief and commitment.

   - The Shahada is expressed as: "La ilaha illallah, Muhammadur rasulullah," which translates to "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah."

2. (Prayer)

   - Salah, or ritual prayer, is performed five times a day at specific times: Fajr (dawn), Dhuhr (midday), Asr (afternoon), Maghrib (sunset), and Isha (night).

   - Muslims perform ablution (wudu) before each prayer to spiritually purify themselves. They then face the Kaaba in Mecca while performing a series of prescribed physical movements and recitations.

   - Prayer is a direct means of communication between the worshipper and Allah, fostering spiritual connection, humility, and gratitude.

3. Zakat (Charity)

   - Zakat is the obligation for Muslims to give a portion of their wealth to those in need, typically calculated as 2.5% of one's savings and assets.

   - It is considered a form of purification of one's wealth and a means of redistributing resources to support the less fortunate and uphold social justice.

   - Zakat is given annually and can be distributed to categories of recipients outlined in Islamic law, such as the poor, needy, indebted, travelers, and those working in its collection and distribution.

4. RAMADAN(Fasting)

   - Sawm refers to the observance of fasting during the Islamic month of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar.

   - During Ramadan, Muslims abstain from food, drink, smoking, and other physical needs from dawn (fajr) until sunset (maghrib), focusing on spiritual reflection, self-discipline, and devotion to Allah.

   - The fast is broken each evening with a meal called iftar, and special prayers and recitations are performed throughout the month.

5. Hajj 

   - Hajj is the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, which Muslims who are physically and financially able are required to perform at least once in their lifetime.

   - The Hajj occurs annually during the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah and involves a series of rituals and acts of worship, including circumambulating the Kaaba, performing prayers at specific sites, and participating in symbolic activities commemorating the experiences of Prophet Abraham and his family.

   - The Hajj is a profound spiritual journey, emphasizing unity, equality, and submission to Allah, as pilgrims from diverse backgrounds come together to fulfill their religious duties.

These Five Pillars of Islam provide a comprehensive framework for spiritual devotion, moral conduct, and communal solidarity, guiding Muslims in their pursuit of righteousness and submission to the will of Allah.


Certainly! Here are some good habits that can contribute to personal growth, well-being, and success:

1. Regular Exercise

Engaging in regular physical activity has numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. It boosts mood, improves energy levels, reduces stress, and enhances overall well-being. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.

2. Healthy Eating

Fueling your body with nutritious foods is essential for optimal health and vitality. Incorporate a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

3. Adequate Sleep

Prioritize getting enough sleep each night, aiming for 7-9 hours for most adults. Quality sleep is crucial for cognitive function, mood regulation, immune health, and overall resilience. Establish a relaxing bedtime routine and create a comfortable sleep environment.

4. Mindfulness and Meditation

Practice mindfulness and meditation to cultivate present-moment awareness, reduce stress, and enhance emotional well-being. Even just a few minutes of mindfulness practice each day can make a significant difference in your overall outlook and resilience.

5. Continuous Learning

Cultivate a habit of lifelong learning by seeking out new knowledge and skills. Read books, listen to podcasts, take online courses, attend workshops, or engage in meaningful conversations with others. Embrace curiosity and remain open to new ideas and perspectives.

6. Goal Setting and Planning

Set clear, achievable goals for yourself and develop a plan to work towards them. Break down larger goals into smaller, actionable steps, and track your progress regularly. Having a sense of purpose and direction can increase motivation and productivity.

7. Time Management

Practice effective time management techniques to prioritize tasks, minimize distractions, and make the most of your time. Use tools such as to-do lists, calendars, and time-blocking strategies to stay organized and focused.

8. Gratitude Practice

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude by regularly acknowledging and appreciating the blessings in your life. Keep a gratitude journal, take time to reflect on positive experiences, and express gratitude to others. Gratitude can foster resilience, improve relationships, and enhance overall well-being.

9. Healthy Relationships

Nurture supportive and fulfilling relationships with family, friends, colleagues, and community members. Invest time and effort in building strong connections, practicing empathy, and effective communication. Healthy relationships provide emotional support, encouragement, and a sense of belonging.

10. Self-Care

Prioritize self-care activities that recharge and rejuvenate you, whether it's spending time in nature, pursuing hobbies, practicing creativity, or simply relaxing. Listen to your body and mind, and honor your need for rest, relaxation, and self-reflection.

By incorporating these good habits into your daily routine, you can enhance your physical and mental well-being, cultivate personal growth, and lead a more fulfilling life.

Technology impacts


Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, encompassing a vast array of tools, systems, methods, and processes designed to solve problems, enhance productivity, and improve the quality of life. It has become an integral part of modern society, shaping how we communicate, work, learn, travel, and interact with the world around us.

The evolution of technology is characterized by rapid advancements driven by innovation, research, and development across various fields such as information technology, biotechnology, nanotechnology, robotics, artificial intelligence, renewable energy, and materials science, among others. These advancements have led to profound transformations in almost every aspect of human existence, from the way we access information to how we address global challenges like climate change and healthcare.

One of the most transformative aspects of technology is its role in communication and information exchange. The advent of the internet and digital communication technologies has revolutionized how we connect with one another, breaking down geographical barriers and enabling instant access to information from virtually anywhere in the world. Social media platforms, online collaboration tools, and digital communication networks have reshaped how we interact, share ideas, and conduct business.

Moreover, technology has revolutionized industries such as healthcare, transportation, agriculture, manufacturing, and finance. In healthcare, advancements in medical technology have led to breakthroughs in diagnostics, treatment, and patient care, improving outcomes and extending lifespans. Telemedicine, wearable devices, and electronic health records have made healthcare more accessible and efficient.

In transportation, innovations such as electric vehicles, autonomous vehicles, and high-speed rail systems are reshaping how people and goods are transported, promising safer, more sustainable, and efficient modes of travel. Similarly, in agriculture, precision farming techniques, genetic engineering, and automation technologies are revolutionizing crop production, optimizing resource use, and addressing food security challenges.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have emerged as powerful tools across various domains, enabling computers to analyze vast amounts of data, make predictions, and automate tasks with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency. AI-driven technologies are being applied in diverse areas, including natural language processing, image recognition, autonomous systems, and personalized recommendations, transforming industries and driving innovation.

Furthermore, technologies such as renewable energy, energy storage, and smart grid systems are playing a crucial role in transitioning towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

However, the rapid pace of technological advancement also presents challenges such as cybersecurity threats, privacy concerns, job displacement due to automation, and ethical dilemmas surrounding the use of emerging technologies like AI and biotechnology. Addressing these challenges requires a balanced approach that prioritizes innovation while also considering the broader societal implications and ethical considerations.

In conclusion, technology is a driving force behind human progress, shaping our present and future in profound ways. Its transformative power has the potential to address some of the most pressing challenges facing humanity while also presenting new opportunities and complexities that require careful consideration and stewardship. Embracing technology responsibly and ethically is essential for harnessing its full potential to create a better and more sustainable world for future generations.

The impact of technology on society, the economy, and the environment is profound and multifaceted. Here's a detailed exploration of its various impacts:

1. Social Impact:


Technology has revolutionized communication, making it faster, cheaper, and more accessible. Social media platforms, messaging apps, and video conferencing tools have transformed how people interact, share information, and build communities.


 Technology has reshaped the education landscape, enabling online learning, digital textbooks, and interactive educational resources. It has made education more accessible to people around the world, breaking down geographical barriers and offering personalized learning experiences.


Advancements in medical technology have improved patient care, diagnosis, and treatment outcomes. Telemedicine, wearable devices, and health tracking apps have made healthcare more accessible and efficient, empowering individuals to take charge of their health.


Technology has transformed the way we work, with remote work becoming more prevalent due to digital communication tools and collaboration platforms. Automation and AI have also impacted the workforce, leading to job displacement in some sectors while creating new opportunities in others.

   Social Dynamics:

 Technology has influenced social dynamics and relationships, shaping how people form connections, express themselves, and engage with society. It has both facilitated and challenged traditional social structures and norms.

2. Economic Impact:


 Technology has significantly increased productivity in various industries through automation, optimization, and innovation. It has streamlined business processes, reduced costs, and accelerated economic growth.


 Technology has fueled globalization by facilitating international trade, communication, and collaboration. It has enabled businesses to reach global markets, expand their operations, and connect with customers worldwide.

Job Market:

 While technology has created new job opportunities in fields such as information technology, data science, and digital marketing, it has also led to job displacement in sectors vulnerable to automation. Upskilling and lifelong learning have become essential for navigating the evolving job market.

Income Inequality:

 The impact of technology on income inequality is complex. While it has created wealth and opportunities for some, it has also widened the gap between the skilled and unskilled workforce. Addressing digital divides and ensuring equitable access to technology is crucial for mitigating inequality.

3. Environmental Impact:


 Technology has the potential to address environmental challenges such as climate change, resource depletion, and pollution. Renewable energy technologies, energy-efficient systems, and smart infrastructure can help reduce carbon emissions and mitigate environmental degradation.

Resource Management:

 Advanced technologies like IoT (Internet of Things) and AI can optimize resource use in sectors such as agriculture, energy, and transportation, minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency.

E-Waste and Pollution:

 The proliferation of electronic devices and digital infrastructure has led to an increase in electronic waste (e-waste) and environmental pollution. Sustainable design, recycling initiatives, and responsible disposal practices are needed to mitigate these impacts.

Overall, while technology has brought about numerous benefits and opportunities, it also presents challenges and risks that require careful consideration and proactive management. Balancing innovation with ethical, social, and environmental considerations is essential for harnessing the full potential of technology to create a more inclusive, sustainable, and equitable future.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

NASA: Exploring the Universe and Beyond

 NASA: Exploring the Universe and Beyond

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, commonly known as NASA, stands as an emblem of humanity's ceaseless pursuit of knowledge and exploration beyond our earthly bounds. Founded on July 29, 1958, during the height of the Cold War, NASA emerged as a response to the Soviet Union's successful launch of the satellite Sputnik 1, marking the dawn of the space age. Since its inception, NASA has become synonymous with groundbreaking scientific discovery, technological innovation, and awe-inspiring space exploration missions.

Missions and Achievements:

NASA's scope of work encompasses a diverse array of missions, from launching satellites for Earth observation and communication to sending astronauts beyond Earth's orbit to explore other celestial bodies. One of NASA's most iconic achievements is the Apollo program, which culminated in the historic landing of humans on the Moon in 1969. Neil Armstrong's famous words, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind," echoed around the world, signifying a monumental leap in human exploration.

In addition to the Moon landings, NASA has spearheaded numerous robotic missions to explore the solar system and beyond. The Voyager probes, launched in 1977, continue to venture into interstellar space, carrying messages from humanity in the form of the Golden Records. The Mars rovers, such as Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiosity, have provided invaluable data about the Red Planet's geology, climate, and potential for life.

Space Exploration Today:

In the 21st century, NASA remains at the forefront of space exploration, with ambitious plans to return humans to the Moon through the Artemis program. This initiative aims to establish a sustainable lunar presence, paving the way for future crewed missions to Mars and beyond. Collaborations with international partners, such as the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), underscore NASA's commitment to global cooperation in space exploration.

Moreover, NASA continues to push the boundaries of scientific discovery through missions like the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), set to launch in the near future. With its advanced instrumentation, the JWST promises to revolutionize our understanding of the universe by observing distant galaxies, stars, and exoplanets with unprecedented clarity.

Scientific Research and Innovation:

Beyond exploration, NASA plays a vital role in advancing scientific research and technological innovation. From studying Earth's climate and atmosphere to probing the mysteries of black holes and dark matter, NASA-funded scientists and engineers work tirelessly to unravel the secrets of the cosmos.

Furthermore, NASA's contributions to technology have led to countless spin-off innovations that benefit society on Earth. From improved medical imaging devices to more efficient solar panels and water purification systems, NASA's technological advancements have far-reaching implications across various industries.

Challenges and Future Prospects:

Despite its many successes, NASA faces challenges in maintaining its momentum in the face of budget constraints, shifting political priorities, and technological hurdles. However, the agency remains resilient, drawing inspiration from its storied legacy and the boundless curiosity that drives human exploration.

Looking ahead, NASA's future appears bright, with plans for ambitious missions to explore distant worlds, unravel the mysteries of the cosmos, and inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers, and explorers. As we gaze skyward, NASA continues to remind us of the limitless potential of human ingenuity and the enduring spirit of exploration that defines us as a species.

In conclusion, NASA stands as a testament to humanity's insatiable curiosity and relentless drive to explore the unknown. From the Moon landings of the past to the Mars missions of the future, NASA's legacy will endure as a beacon of inspiration for generations to come.

World War I: A Global Conflict of Unprecedented

 World War I: A Global Conflict of Unprecedented

 ScaleWorld War I, often referred to as the Great War, was a global conflict that lasted from 1914 to 1918. It involved major world powers divided into two opposing alliances: the Allies (comprising primarily France, Russia, and the United Kingdom) and the Central Powers (chiefly Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire). The war's origins can be traced back to a complex web of diplomatic tensions, imperial rivalries, and militarism that had been building up in Europe for decades.

Causes of World War I:


The major powers of Europe had been engaged in an arms race, building up large standing armies and navies. This militarization heightened tensions and created an environment ripe for conflict.

Alliance System:

 Europe was divided into two opposing alliances: the Triple Entente (Allies) and the Triple Alliance (Central Powers). These alliances were formed to deter aggression but ended up entangling nations in each other's conflicts.


 European powers competed for colonies and resources around the world, leading to rivalries and conflicts over colonial territories.


 Nationalistic fervor and aspirations for independence fueled tensions within multi-ethnic empires such as Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire.

Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand:

 The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary in Sarajevo in June 1914 served as the catalyst for the outbreak of war. Austria-Hungary's subsequent declaration of war on Serbia triggered a chain reaction of alliances and mobilizations.

Key Events and Turning Points:

Outbreak of War (1914):

 Following Austria-Hungary's declaration of war on Serbia, the conflict quickly escalated as other countries were drawn into the fray. Germany's invasion of Belgium prompted Britain to enter the war on the side of the Allies.

Stalemate on the Western Front:

 The war quickly devolved into a stalemate on the Western Front, characterized by trench warfare and horrific casualties. Battlefields like Verdun and the Somme became synonymous with the brutality and futility of war.

Eastern Front and Russian Revolution:

 The Eastern Front witnessed significant military campaigns between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia. The strain of war contributed to social unrest in Russia, eventually culminating in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 and Russia's withdrawal from the conflict.

Entry of the United States:

 Despite initially adopting a policy of neutrality, the United States entered the war in 1917 following Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare and the interception of the Zimmermann Telegram, which proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico against the U.S.

End of the War (1918):

 The war ended with the signing of the Armistice of Compiegne on November 11, 1918, marking the defeat of the Central Powers. The Treaty of Versailles, signed in 1919, formally ended the war and imposed harsh penalties on Germany, setting the stage for future conflicts.

Consequences and Legacy:

Human Cost:

 World War I resulted in unprecedented human suffering, with millions of soldiers and civilians killed or wounded. The war also saw the use of new technologies such as tanks, aircraft, and chemical weapons, further increasing the scale of destruction.

Political and Social Upheaval:

 The war led to the collapse of empires, including the Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, Russian, and German empires. It also contributed to revolutionary movements and political upheaval in many countries, including the Russian Revolution and the rise of fascism in Italy and Germany.

Redrawing of Borders:

 The Treaty of Versailles redrew the map of Europe, creating new nation-states and reshaping existing borders. However, the treaty's punitive terms sowed the seeds of resentment and contributed to the rise of extremism in Germany.

Precursor to World War II: 

The unresolved issues and grievances stemming from World War I laid the groundwork for World War II, including territorial disputes, economic instability, and the rise of aggressive nationalist ideologies.

Overall, World War I stands as a pivotal moment in world history, reshaping the geopolitical landscape and leaving a lasting legacy of destruction, disillusionment, and unresolved conflicts that continue to influence global politics to this day.

Understanding Depression:symptoms,causes,and treatment

Understanding Depression:symptoms,causes,and treatment

 A Comprehensive Guide Depression is a prevalent mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is more than just feeling sad or going through a rough patch; depression is a complex and serious mood disorder that can interfere with daily life and normal functioning. In this article, we will explore what depression is, its symptoms, causes, risk factors, and available treatments.

What is Depression?

Depression, also known as major depressive disorder or clinical depression, is a mood disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in activities. It affects how a person thinks, feels, and handles daily activities such as eating, sleeping, and working. Depression is not a sign of weakness or a character flaw; it is a medical condition that requires treatment.Symptoms of Depression The symptoms of depression can vary from person to person and can range from mild to severe. 

Common symptoms include:Persistent sadness or feeling "empty" inside Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed Changes in appetite or weight Difficulty sleeping or oversleeping Fatigue or loss of energy Feelings of worthlessness or guilt Difficulty concentrating or making decisions Thoughts of death or suicide Causes and Risk Factors The exact cause of depression is not fully understood, but it is believed to be caused by a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors. Some common risk factors for depression include:

Family history of depression or other mental health disorders Traumatic or stressful life events, such as abuse, loss of a loved one, or financial problems Chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, cancer, or diabetes Brain chemistry and neurotransmitter imbalances Substance abuse or addiction Hormonal changes, such as those occurring during puberty, pregnancy, or menopause Treatment Options Depression is a treatable condition, and there are several effective treatment options available. These include:Psychotherapy: Talk therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or interpersonal therapy, can help individuals learn coping skills, challenge negative thought patterns, and address underlying issues contributing to their depression.

Medication: Antidepressant medications, such as selective serotonin re uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or serotonin-nor epinephrine re uptake inhibitors (SNRIs), may be prescribed to help regulate brain chemistry and alleviate symptoms of depression.Lifestyle changes: Engaging in regular exercise, maintaining a healthy diet, getting an adequate amount of sleep, and avoiding alcohol and drug abuse can all help improve mood and overall well-being.

Support groups: 

Joining a support group or connecting with others who have experienced depression can provide valuable emotional support and encouragement.Alternative therapies: Some individuals may find relief from depression symptoms through practices such as acupuncture, yoga, mindfulness meditation, or herbal supplements. It's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before trying any alternative treatments.Seeking HelpIf you or someone you know is struggling with depression, it's essential to seek help from a qualified mental health professional.

 Depression is a serious condition that can worsen without treatment, but with the right support and treatment, it is possible to manage symptoms and lead a fulfilling life.Remember, you are not alone, and help is available. Reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or healthcare provider, or contact a mental health hotline for immediate assistance. With support and treatment, recovery from depression is possible.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Measurement, Assessment, and Evaluation in Education

 Measurement, Assessment, and Evaluation in Education

Throughout my years of teaching undergraduate courses, and to some extent, graduate courses, I was continuously reminded each semester that many of my students who had taken the requisite course in "educational tests and measurements" or a course with a similar title as part of their professional preparation, often had confusing ideas about fundamental differences in terms such as measurement, assessment and evaluation as they are used in education.

 When I asked the question, "what is the difference between assessment and evaluation," I usually got a lot of blank stares. Yet, it seems that understanding the differences between measurement, assessment, and evaluation is fundamental to the knowledge base of professional teachers and effective teaching. Such understanding is also, or at the very least should be a core component of the curricula implemented in universities and colleges required in the education of future teachers.

In many places on the ADPRIMA website the phrase, "Anything not understood in more than one way is not understood at all" appears after some explanation or body of information. That phrase is, in my opinion, a fundamental idea of what should be a cornerstone of all teacher education. Students often struggle with describing or explaining what it means to "understand" something that they say they understand. I believe in courses in educational tests and measurements, that "understanding" has often been inferred from responses on multiple-choice tests or solving statistical problems.

 A semester later, when questioned about very fundamental ideas in statistics, measurement, assessment and evaluation, the students I had seemingly forgot most, if not all of what they "learned."

Measurement, assessment, and evaluation mean very different things, and yet most of my students were unable to adequately explain the differences. So, in keeping with the ADPRIMA approach to explaining things in as straightforward and meaningful a way as possible, here are what I think are useful descriptions of these three fundamental terms. These are personal opinions, but they have worked for me for many years. They have operational utility, and therefore may also be useful for your purposes.

Measurement refers to the process by which the attributes or dimensions of some physical object are determined. One exception seems to be in the use of the word measure in determining the IQ of a person. The phrase, "this test measures IQ" is commonly used. Measuring such things as attitudes or preferences also applies. However, when we measure, we generally use some standard instrument to determine how big, tall, heavy, voluminous, hot, cold, fast, or straight something actually is.

 Standard instruments refer to instruments such as rulers, scales, thermometers, pressure gauges, etc. We measure to obtain information about what is. Such information may or may not be useful, depending on the accuracy of the instruments we use, and our skill at using them. There are few such instruments in the social sciences that approach the validity and reliability of say a 12" ruler.

 We measure how big a classroom is in terms of square feet, we measure the temperature of the room by using a thermometer, and we use Ohm meters to determine the voltage, amperage, and resistance in a circuit. In all of these examples, we are not assessing anything; we are simply collecting information relative to some established rule or standard. Assessment is therefore quite different from measurement, and has uses that suggest very different purposes. 

When used in a learning objective, the definition provided on the ADPRIMA for the behavioral verb measure is: To apply a standard scale or measuring device to an object, series of objects, events, or conditions, according to practices accepted by those who are skilled in the use of the device or scale.

Assessment is a process by which information is obtained relative to some known objective or goal. Assessment is a broad term that includes testing. A test is a special form of assessment. Tests are assessments made under contrived circumstances especially so that they may be administered. In other words, all tests are assessments, but not all assessments are tests.

 We test at the end of a lesson or unit. We assess progress at the end of a school year through testing, and we assess verbal and quantitative skills through such instruments as the SAT and GRE. Whether implicit or explicit, assessment is most usefully connected to some goal or objective for which the assessment is designed. A test or assessment yields information relative to an objective or goal. In that sense, we test or assess to determine whether or not an objective or goal has been obtained.

 Assessment of skill attainment is rather straightforward. Either the skill exists at some acceptable level or it doesn’t. Skills are readily demonstrable. Assessment of understanding is much more difficult and complex. Skills can be practiced; understandings cannot. We can assess a person’s knowledge in a variety of ways, but there is always a leap, an inference that we make about what a person does in relation to what it signifies about what he knows.

 In the section on this site on behavioral verbs, to assess means To stipulate the conditions by which the behavior specified in an objective may be ascertained. Such stipulations are usually in the form of written descriptions.

Evaluation is perhaps the most complex and least understood of the terms. Inherent in the idea of evaluation is "value." When we evaluate, what we are doing is engaging in some process that is designed to provide information that will help us make a judgment about a given situation. Generally, any evaluation process requires information about the situation in question.

 A situation is an umbrella term that takes into account such ideas as objectives, goals, standards, procedures, and so on. When we evaluate, we are saying that the process will yield information regarding the worthiness, 

appropriateness, goodness, validity, legality, etc., of something for which a reliable measurement or assessment has been made. For example, I often ask my students if they wanted to determine the temperature of the classroom they would need to get a thermometer and take several readings at different spots, and perhaps average the readings. That is simple measuring.

 The average temperature tells us nothing about whether or not it is appropriate for learning. In order to do that, students would have to be polled in some reliable and valid way. That polling process is what evaluation is all about.

 A classroom average temperature of 75 degrees is simply information. It is the context of the temperature for a particular purpose that provides the criteria for evaluation. A temperature of 75 degrees may not be very good for some students, while for others, it is ideal for learning. We evaluate every day. Teachers, in particular, are constantly evaluating students, and such evaluations are usually done in the context of comparisons between what was intended (learning, progress, behavior) and what was obtained. 

When used in a learning objective, the definition provided on the ADPRIMA site for the behavioral verb evaluate is: To classify objects, situations, people, conditions, etc., according to defined criteria of quality. Indication of quality must be given in the defined criteria of each class category. Evaluation differs from general classification only in this respect.

To sum up, we measure distance, we assess learning, and we evaluate results in terms of some set of criteria. These three terms are certainly connected, but it is useful to think of them as separate but connected ideas and processes.

Here is a great link that offer different ideas about these three terms, with well-written explanations. Unfortunately, most information on the Internet concerning this topic amounts to little more than advertisements for services.

Need of new examination system in Pakistan

Need of new examination system in Pakistan

This study focused on evaluating the quality of the examination system of Pakistan. Pakistan education is going down day by day. The purpose of this study is to find the causes of this detracted process in Pakistan. The objectives are: to evaluate the examination system in Pakistan, to find the causes of this deteriorated examination system, to suggest some measure to improve the examination system in Pakistan.
The current examination system is obsolete; it did not fulfill the requirement of 21th century. 

This education and examination system was left for us by British after the independence of Pakistan in 1947. The purpose of this education system was to prepare clerical staff in the subcontinent to run the day to day activities of the offices. For which the British officers were not ready to do it. 

They wanted people who help them, e.g., to control the mass illiterate population, they want people with no brain; they need the people who can count and calculate. They need people who can write reports in English for their officers. Who can extend their stay in the subcontinent.

 For this purpose they design an education system that can produce brainless people, who can't think just act on the orders of their officers. They do not want leaders and thinkers in the occupied territory. They want people who obey order not to argue and raise the questions.

Unfortunately after the independence of Pakistan, no one gives serious thoughts to improve education system in Pakistan. Especially, after 1971 when democracy was restored in the country and the feudal and capitalist who took control of the country, they imposed the same colonial education system for common people. For elite class they established private schools system which was very expensive.

 To prevent people from getting good education, they implemented education polices that hinders the efforts of people to get good education. Following are the major
Reasons / Hinders of public education system in Pakistan.

  •  Medium of  instruction

  • Curriculum

  • Examination system

  • Bureaucracy of Pakistan

  • The policy makers

  • The elite class of Pakistan

In this article the focus will be on Examination system of Pakistan. However, to have good examination system we need to have a look at the Examination system of developed countries. The Examination system of the United States of America is a very good model.

In their examination system Students are marked on course they took in each subject studied from K to 12th class and the Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated. Marks are dependent on their performance in different area, including student's performance in tests in the school, participation in class discussions, homework assignments, and school projects which they have selected.

Examination System in the US:

 High schools issue school ‘transcript' for each student showing their marks and grades, summarizing the courses taken. If a student wishes to go to college he can submit copies of his transcript to the college. College or university acceptance is also based upon personal recommendations from teachers and eligibility criteria. In some colleges and universities these school mark's sheet are not accepted. They only accept SAT and AST Test score for admission. For those institution's Students have to take national college aptitude tests during their last two years in high school, some colleges require Achievement (Ach) Tests. These Tests are based on multiple-choice general type test, but they are designed to measure students aptitude and verbal and mathematical skills.
The known and widely used tests are the American College Testing (ACT) programme and the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), both of these tests are recognized by accredited universities for admission.
The total SAT score is 1,600 in which half is for mathematical and half for verbal skills, with the average score usually between 900 and 1,000. Students must score over 650 in each section or a combined total of over 1,300.
High school exit exam is a test that a student must pass to receive his high school diploma. Sometimes states have a series of standardized exams for this purpose. These tests are often called “end-of-course exams” at the end of completion high school courses in various core subjects. In some states they require students to pass end-of-course exams in addition to a comprehensive exit exam. California, recently suspended its administration of exit exams.
Texas requires students to pass two types of exit exams. One the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS), and the other is the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR), at end-of-course exams when a student finishes a course. The TAKS test, test language, arts, math, science and social studies. While STAAR includes subjects like: English; Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra; Biology, Chemistry, and Physics; World History, US History, and World Geography.
 “Not too long ago more than half of U.S. states required that students pass an exam to graduate from high school. That is changing, with a number of states dropping their exit exams — but a good number still require them, and that, this post explains, is a big and unnecessary problem for many students”
A national uprising has highlighted the misuse and overuse of standardized testing that hurts students. Now different state is looking for way to end high school exit testing.
 In the last few years, 10 states have repealed or delayed high school exit exams. South Carolina, Georgia, Arizona and California even decided to issue diplomas to thousands of those students who have been denied due to scores on discontinued tests. The reasons for this retreat is research, which researcher conducted on exit testing, which shows that exit tests hurt the students. They increase dropout rates from education.
The Gates-funded New America think tank 2014 study, “The Case against Exit Exams,” declared, “New evidence has reinforced the conclusion that exit exams disproportionately affect a subset of students, without producing positive outcomes for most.” The study further concluded that “have tended to add little value for most students, but have imposed costs on already at-risk ones.”
In the USA there is no federal mandate requiring high school exit testing. Since the law No Child Left Behind was passed in 2001, federal law has required testing once of the students during the grades 9–12 in math, English language arts, and science.

Pakistan examination system
The examination system of Pakistan is based on colonial era, the education system that British imposed on us. The purpose of this education system was to produce only clerical Staff in subcontinent. After independence of Pakistan, different governments design education polices, but all these polices were fruitless. The demand of these polices was the quality in education, but the Burdon was put on the student's shoulders. The policy makers adopted old British era examination system. However with time they make it harder for the students to pass the exams and they called it a step forward toward quality education. 
The restoration of democracy in Pakistan in after 1971, the feudal took control of the government and the sole purpose of their education polices was to prevent common man from geting education in government public schools. In these polices the examination system is made harder and harder to increase dropout rate. Multiple time medium of instruction was changed. Board exams were introduced in different stages of education due to which millions of students drop out from the school without completing matric education. 
One of the worst experiment was in examination system was the combine exam of 9th and 10th class. This experiment was continued for more than two decades. Always the result of this exam was 20 to 25 percent pass. While majority of the fail students were dropout of schools without completing their matric education. Later in 2000 this experiment was stopped and 9th and 10th separate exams were started which improve the passing rate of the students and decrease the dropout from the schools.
After 2018 election people were hoping that PTI government will change the education, and will give the nation a good education policy, but they are also fail to do so. In the process they make a huge mistake to change the requirement criteria for employment of teacher without holding B.Ed. degree to get jobs in the school. This was not a very thoughtful decision because millions of trained teacher are without jobs and they started employing untrained teachers. The reason was the arrogance of the minister who gives an interview to newspapers for changing employment criteria.
 After objections on his decision from educationist and teachers, the KPK government made it compulsory to keep the words of their minister on the cost of education. Now there is a rumor that government are going for combine 9th and 10th class board exam. It shows that politicians did not learn from their fast mistakes. They may be the puppet of feudal and elite class who do not wants educated voters. This system suits feudal that needs illiterate people to vote for them in the election, the voters who don't know their rights, and the voter who doesn't ask questions. 
These voter still votes for the corrupt politicians who had been proven guilty on international level, who have billions of dollars and property abroad in several countries. However, still these mass illiterate people think that they are innocent and they vote for them again and again. They create hurdles in every step to prevent people from education and board exams are their best weapon to do so. A Ph.D. research study conducted in Punjab on the Issue of out of School Children in BISE Gujranwala.

Table 1.1 Five Years Class 9th Annual Examination Result of BISE Gujranwala
Year     Applied     Appeared     Passed    Passed
Percentage    Failed Percentage      
2012     225031     221023     88649     40.11    59.89      
2013     213547     207883     79200     38.09    61.91      
2014     243128     240088     87334     36.38    63.62      
2015     252548     248537     100857     40.58    59.42      
2016     244454     240105     129670     54.01    45.99     
Source: BISE Gujranwala, 2016

“Table shows that 45.99 percent students in 2016, 59.42 percent in 2015 and 63.62
 Percent in 2014, 61.91 percent in 2013 and 59.89 percent in 2012 respectively, failed in class 9 annual examinations at BISE Gujranwala. This is an indication that most of class 9 pupils are not able to complete the secondary school certificate, and consequently drop out. (Mughal, 2018)”

While the overall enrollments in Pakistan Secondary/High Schools, in Class IX-X were 3.6 million students in 2016-17. The average pass rate was 40%, while failing rate was 60%. With this rate of failure 2.4 million (2400000) students dropped out of the school without complementing their matriculation certificate.

While in Higher Secondary Classes XI-XII the total number of 1.75 million students enrolled, with the average pass rate in Pakistan approximately half million students' and 1.25 million dropped out at this level. In 2018-19 approximately 1.84 million will appear in the examination in which 1342850 (1.3 million) will be dropped out.

What is the purpose of examination system?
The purpose of examination is multi-fold; to evaluate the students learning achievements, to evaluate the teaching of teachers. Is it a right approach of examination system? A good approach of examination system is to give a comprehensive chance to students for learning. The purpose of education examination system is to improve the learning and reading skill of the students.

The second purpose is to evaluate the teaching skills of the teachers, for this purpose the country need such examination system which help to achieve  both objectives of the examination system. The current board exams are very old and outdated. It did not improve the quality of education, but it decrease the numbers of dropout students in the country. It is the major reason that we are still lacking behind in education from other countries.

The first purpose of education examination system is to improve the learning and reading skill of the students. A good collection of objective type questions from the textbook up to three hundred questions which cover every page of the book. To solve these objectives, he will learn to read, it will also help him to comprehend and learn the information that is provided in the textbook. This test must also include inductive and deductive type questions, so it develops the reasoning skills of the students. This objective type test should be given as home base test and they should be given enough time to read the textbook and found the answers. This home based objectives type assignment could be divided in two parts. One hundred and fifty questions in first semester and the rest one hundred and fifty questions in the second semester for every textbook.

The second purpose is to evaluate the teaching skills of the teachers. With objectives type examination we can evaluate the teaching skills of the teacher on the base of the performance of students' achievements in the test. A good result will show that teacher was committed to his teaching and he used every possible way to develop the reading and comprehension skills of the students. When the teacher knows that he will be accountable for the bad result of his students, he will make it possible that every student understand what he is teaching. For this very purpose the country need such examination system, which help to achieve both the objectives of the examination. The current examination system is outdated. It did not achieve the literacy rate what we are looking for. Despite it creates hinders in the improvement of literacy rate.

In most of the develop countries objective type test is implemented for the evaluation of students learning and teacher evaluation. In the area where reading and writing skills assessment is require there they use subjective type test, e.g., English, mathematics, etc.


From analysis it is crystal clear that what we are doing with the education on the name of quality and board examinations. It is very hard and time-consuming to calculate the accurate drop out for the last 40 years (1980-2020) for secondary (9th and 10th) and higher secondary (intermediate) level. For this purpose data was collected using internet and easily available books, research and other government documents. Majority data is easily available, but five years of data from 2008 to 2011 is not available. The data were calculated on the bases of average of available data for the missing years, the margin of error is five percent on both sides.

From the data and its analysis it is evident that in last forty years 47020000 (470.2 million) students were dropped out from schools without completing their secondary school education and 29000000 (290 million) students were from the higher/ inter level. It shows that we are dropping out millions of students every year at different stages of school on the name of quality and board examinations. Most develop country like the United States could not afford that kind of strict examination system where the literacy rate is very high. That why majority of states are ending school exit exams. 

The students who are weak in a particular subject are to attend summer school system. In summer school system both students and teachers have to attend school in summer vacation because both are responsible for bad result.

Suggestions and Recommendations for reforms in the examination system
We need to end board exams and any other drop out exams like United States; the majority of their states are ending school exit exams.

We need to change the internal examination system, to a system where students learn and acquire knowledge from examination and evaluate teacher teaching on students achievements.

Home objective type test is recommended for every subject. Three multiple choice questions from each page of textbook, all the questions should be arranged randomly. About every objective type question the page number of the respective question should be mentioned so the student read the page and find out the answer. The purpose of this drill is that student read every page of a textbook three times to build the reading habit of the students. Do not give a very easily discoverable objective type question.
For improving writing ability in Urdu, English and local language internal subjective type exam is recommended after every three months. Written test in mathematics and Islamic studies.

For improving writing skills of the students, dairy writing must be compulsory for students, at least five sentences in each language subjects.

These home objective type test should  administered  by parts for each subject and at the end of the year a short objective  type test should administered from that home base test and in the subject where  reading and writing assessment is required  a subjective type  test  should be administered. The students who did not pass this test, they will attended classes in the summer vacations along their teachers. Afterward they should  be promoted to next class.

For the purpose of admission in colleges or universities SAT type Test should be implemented during their last two years in higher secondary school, some colleges/ universities already require NTS Test. The score of this test could also be used for recruitment purposes.  These Tests should be based on multiple-choice type test in textbooks subjects which they are studying at this level, with additional papers to measure student’s aptitude, general, verbal and mathematical skills.

Difference Between Curriculum and Instruction

          Difference Between Curriculum and Instruction

Curriculum vs Instruction:

 Curriculum is a concept that has gained a lot of importance these days. It happens to be the ‘what’ of education as the entire edifice of the educations system is based upon the curriculum or what is going to be taught to students in schools and colleges in particular fields of study at different levels. There is another word called instruction that seems to be very simple as it refers to teaching methods and styles. Instruction is the how of the system of education, as a curriculum, howsoever good it may be, is ultimately dependent upon how it is delivered to the students. There are obvious differences between curriculum and instruction that will be highlighted in this article.

 What is a Curriculum?

 Curriculum is a very broad based concept that different educators and teachers choose to define differently. There is a consensus, however, that it is the content of the course that has to be taught by the teachers in a particular manner that forms the curriculum in a course of study. The content of a course is decided by the authorities who are ultimately bound by the policies of the government and the legislation passed by the government in this regard. Teacher is the medium through which a curriculum gets delivered in the manner in which it is intended.
Curriculum is provided to teachers in the form of text. It is a roadmap, a guide as to what to deliver to the students and in what manner. The speed at which a teacher has to go to let the students absorb the content of the course in an optimum manner is also provided along with the curriculum. All the subjects that comprise a course according to a grade in a school are collectively referred to as curriculum. It is like the skeleton or the framework of a structure that defines what is to be taught to the students.

What is Instruction?

Instruction is the method or way of teaching to students. This is one part of education that is in control of the teachers or the instructors. Teachers decide the how part of education as they are responsible for imparting all the knowledge that has been decided based upon the curriculum. Instruction is always dependent upon the teaching skills and the professional attitude of the teachers. A teacher has to make the best use of his instructional abilities to take the curriculum to the students. He is the best judge as to how to deliver instructions in the best possible manner keeping in mind the abilities of different students of his class.
While it is true that even the best of curriculum is nothing if the teacher is not able to give clear cut instructions, it has been seen that educators often design curriculum without consulting teachers or without taking into account their instructional abilities. Often teachers blame the curriculum while there are also instances where educators blame teachers for not providing instructions in the desired manner.

What is the difference between Curriculum and Instruction?

• Curriculum is the design, the framework of education and refers to all the subjects that make up for a course of study according to a grade in school or college
• Instruction is how teachers deliver the curriculum to the students
• Designing curriculum in isolation without taking into account instruction part of education can lead to disastrous results

Curriculum and instruction;

In formal education, a curriculum is the planned interaction of pupils with instructional content, materials, resources, and processes for evaluating the attainment of educational objectives.
Other definitions combine various elements to describe curriculum as follows:
All the learning which is planned and guided by the school, whether it is carried on in groups or individually, inside or outside the school. (John Kerr) 
Outlines the skills, performances, attitudes, and values pupils are expected to learn from schooling. It includes statements of desired pupil outcomes, descriptions of materials, and the planned sequence that will be used to help pupils attain the outcomes. 
The total learning experience provided by a school. It includes the content of courses (the syllabus), the methods employed (strategies), and other aspects, like norms and values, which relate to the way the school is organized. 
The aggregate of courses of study given in a learning environment. The courses are arranged in a sequence to make learning a subject easier. In schools, a curriculum spans several grades. 
Curriculum can refer to the entire program provided by a classroom, school, district, state, or country. A classroom is assigned sections of the curriculum as defined by the school. For example, a fourth grade class teaches the part of the school curriculum that has been designed as developmentally appropriate for students who are approximately nine years of age.

Instruction is vital for education, as it is the transfer of learning from one person to another. Any time you are given directions or told how to do something you are receiving instruction. 
The noun instruction is related to the word structure; both share the Latin root structus, "built." The use of the word as we know it today appeared in the early 15th century from the Old French.
 Today it refers to the action of teaching and the job of a teacher. It can also be used to denote the directions themselves.


Monday, February 5, 2024

Concept of Co-Curricular Activities

A co-curricular activity is defined as a program or out-of-class activity, supervised and/or financed by the school, which provides curriculum-related learning and character building experiences. Co-curricular activities are voluntary, are not piece of the standing polish curriculum, are not hierarchal and do not earn credits. It is the purport of the School time Commission by this insurance to encourage academic toil and action by the students of the Metropolis Exclusive Schools. 

"Co-curricular activities" substance activities conducted on or off down premises by clubs, associations, and organizations of pupils sponsored by the Commission of Upbringing; "co-curricular activities" also includes the enrollee clubs, associations, and organizations that convey those activities. "Co-curricular activities" does not allow athletic competitions or practices or active teams or organizations.

Co-curricular activities (CCAs) previously identified as Extracurricular Activities (ECA) are activities that educational organizations in whatsoever parts of the humankind create for cultivate students. They are activities which all edifice students moldiness listen alongside. In Island, the insurance was introduced by the Ministry of Education, which believes thespian activities for education students are an agency to enhance cultural interaction, body, rosy activity, self-discipline and self-confidence. At higher levels of training, CCA involution may straight alter into academic points.
Construct of Co-curricular Activities

Before discussing the standing and condition of co-curricular activities, let us be top nearly the concept of co-curricular activities.

Quartet decades ago it was comparatively easy to delimitate co-curricular activities because all of them were incorporated and promoted mostly by students themselves, with relatively young resource from teachers and administrators. Equipment’s were deficient, lowercase formalized commendation was bestowed and no impute was allowed for condition.
These activities were truly thespian curricular.

Today, it is trying to delimitate co-curricular activities because all teachers bed several decisive responsibilities for their administration; many overflowing moment professed teachers are hired, schoolhouse rooms, example, equipment and materials are provided; their relationships with symmetric curricular activities are regarded as indispensable; credit for involution is allowed and acceptance is also presumption.

In mulct, we can say that according to modem upbringing thinkers, curriculum is not only teaching and learning in classroom. It also includes production in library, region and work, condition in games and sports in area and numerous unofficial contacts between educator and pupils in these places. In these vernacular contacts there are really umpteen activities. One of which is co-curricular activities. It is a try of curriculum of the organization.

Grandness and Orbit of Co-Curricular Activities
Importance of Co-Curricular Activities 

Search at the itemise of different types of activities, the reflect module arise in your knowledge is how do these activities serve us in achieving the objectives of pedagogy. Also what is the poverty and importance of these activities? Let us honors handle the advantages. Curricular activities hit a class of values equal;

1.    Educational see,
2.    Psychological Values,
3.    Employment of Social Values,
4.    Development of Subject Values,
5.    Physiologic Utilisation Values,
6.    Unpaid Values,
7.    Ethnical Values,

Let us address them one by one.

1. Educational Value

These activities individual large "educational" possibility. All school room is speculative.
Practicable knowledge can be imparted through co-curricular activities.
Excursions and tours cater firsthand have and fortify schoolroom knowledge in subjects similar account, geographic, nature meditate etc.
Module and visage improves through debates and recitations. . Pedagogy of Record gets vitalized by writing.

Practicable lessons in civics can be presumption through grad self-government.
Polish magazines inform students the art of penning forcefully and effectively.
Ritual of functions develops organizational capacities and body qualities in students.
Projects give straightforward learning opportunities.

2. Psychological Ideal

These activities as the patois suggests grapple the psychological needs of the students, mainly with publication to mixer demands of the pupils. They forbear in expressing individualized doings and engage a container for fanciful mentation.

a) These Activities act as Functionary for Sublimation of the Instincts

Co-curricular activities are a capital of channelizing students' instincts into rosy and fat channels e.g. full of curiosity can be fruitfully channelized by deposit, impression and coin collection etc. The aptitude of gregariousness can be directed finished self-government, social coupling and other gather pass.

b) Demonstrative 'Welfare

A student is a slumber of innate urges or drives. It is elemental for him/her to be nosey, to take off, to superior, to be fast and to be appealing. Co-curricular activities furnish expensive opportunities in which these drives may be capitalized for educational goodness.
But luckily or unluckily, they may not turn up to the required mean e.g. many students who are reverse in studies learn caliber composite and perceive train lifetime disgustful and can get emotionally unbalanced. Specified activities offer a means of agitated standardization for students.

C) To' Amount the Involvement of Students

A intellect who gives his second and sweat to his civilize is, thence, many fascinated in it, because of his contributions e.g. the participant talks nigh school smell.

d) Acknowledgment of Being Differences Co-curricular Activities

By providing a ascertain of co-curricular activities, we can assure the demo of potential capacities of apiece idiosyncratic e.g. oeuvre, exoteric muttering, theater, craft, distinguishable games and sports, activity of functions etc. which engage breeding in antithetic aspects of personality of students. These activities, thusly, cater to aptitude, interests and abilities of students and sometimes act as a determining factor for the superior of rising vocation.

3. Developing of Ethnical Amount

Cultural cooperation is recognized as one of the arch demands of citizenship. It is rugged to teach through school subjects equal Languages, Science or Sociable Sciences. By 'involved in assemble activities, students instruct redemptive manners and ameliorate a signification of cooperation. Body in a society, examinee council, impressive copy or an athletic squad requires co-operation. Students take to increase the relation of someone to the party forgather.
Finished group activities, students learn social cooperation. They learn radical atmosphere, 'we' - so aesthesia, belongingness, wholeness and power to be co-operative.

4. Developing of Civic Valuate

In group activities students learn the value of doing one's tariff. For instance, students' self-government in schools provides an excellent grooming in effort one's franchise and shouldering responsibilities. These activities check the students for virtuous citizenship. Co-curricular activities content umpteen opportunities for the process of self-discipline e.g. NCC and ACC. They modify in students a look of toleration of others' views, sensible mercantilism of ideas, fella thought and accepting ending and letdown with petition.
Secondly, the civilize is a miniature elite and the activities of the school should get unswerving relations with the activities of the order.

Qualities similar maiden and leaders are not always formed in a schoolroom. On the country, students get opportunities to learn leadership qualities suchlike beginning, decision-making, view, temperament etc. These qualities are required for a participatory gild. Some girls and boys someone small activity in controlling themselves and in guiding their own affairs.

They possess not formed the ability to do these things. As a conclusion, when they are placed in settings that demand self-direction, they are curst. Co-curricular activities offer numerous situations in which students may gradually get flared responsibilities for their own content.
The settings for nonindustrial this carry-over values staleness is definitely provided. A civilize must be a work in democracy.

The traits and qualities of leading are mature in students, when they devise these activities by themselves low the guidance of teachers. Students learn to counsel, prepare and
I kill the guidance that has been developed. This develops in them opening, provision, thought and state of separate persuasion.

These activities engage superior honorable breeding. Through these activities are learnt the importance of obeying the law, rules and regulations, sex for abolitionist and above all, these activities educate honorable knowingness by providing clean experiences. For information, a boy in bid of finances has to act honestly. On the immovableness field, one has to pretending sportsman ambience.

5. Sensual Utilization Duration

Patch games, sports and recreation flat lead to physical usage of students, added co-curricular activities also indirectly advance to it. These activities support a helpful line for the ontogeny and use of the body.

6. Unpaid Amount

Want of cognition and grooming in fitting utilization of one's leisure time is one of the study defects in our here system of teaching. By providing and organizing various activities, we furnish substantial opportunities to our students, rather than to spend their refrain dimension in unenviable activities e.g. Movies, TV, leisured mouth etc. Hobbies developed at the secondhand period travel get long habits.

7. Social Worth

Whatever co*curricular activities are of tremendous continuance, as they improve in providing opportunities for change apprehension of our social attribute and traditions, for instance, activities same communication, origin songs, Terpsichore, blood penalty, exhibitions and celebration of different devout and social festivals offer punter noesis and intellect of our society, adoptive ethnical tastes and rouse ethnical interests among students. Intellect would increase to inform all these though our language, belief, culture, content habits, wear etc. are polar but we are one, and that we are leman beings of the synoptic collection.

Thusly, co-curricular activities testament provide in nonindustrial general and world module.
We can confess by saying that co-curricular activities cater to the processing of an issue's intact personality, mark out the latent powers of children of different temperaments, attach academic create, evolve friendly and national signification. Without these activities students would be simple book-worms.

These activities are really burning as they jazz a potency of nonindustrial the mortal of a grad which is ever not viable with theoretic procedures. For this co-curricular activities demand to be effective so that they can furnish the mitt danger to the noesis. When operative these activities wage applicable hands-on coming to the students which render correspondent experiences which they testament braving in the inaccurate grouping. Such experiences go a perennial way in pro fortunate. Students bed justness to a tolerant pedagogy. An opened range of experiences train students amend for the incoming, especially in today's uncertain group. 

High pedagogy can wage improved intellection for animation in a society where an individualist may impoverishment to alter advance individual times in their period. Alum
safe and what's bad for them? Their decisions may be influenced by peer pressure etc. but at the said experience these activities should not be unscheduled. Co-curricular activities impoverishment to be much polite, variform and intriguing so as to be widely accepted and booming. A successful co-curriculum builds links between the civilize and the wider dominion, transportation topical enthusiasts in to create with students, and sending students out to play on vocation projects. Some children hold talents in all sorts of proto. A job is not the exclusive object of a grownup's sentence - education needs to hit certain they get interests and skills that faculty assist them in their fellowship and leisure lives too. Through equate balancing of pedantic and co-curriculum, the students bed the adventure to exercising their rights and the possibility to be multi-talented.

Role of Co-Curricular Activities in a Educates Account
"    It helps to ameliorate the all-round personality of the students to present the unshaken strain and turbulent grouping of ulterior. Experience and accolades gained through numerous of these activities support during internships and separate down sponsored learning programs. 

"    The aim of curricular activities is to pass the students fit for the emerging time and to alter a sensation of competing invigorate, co-operation, leaders, travail, timing, and team-spirit as wellspring as to provide a background for the process of their productive talents. Whenever someone is chosen as a nous boy or is donated activity in careful matters, it boosts self-confidence and sentiency of achievement. 

"    Extra activities for school time students are a way to deepen ethnic interaction, leadership, anicteric activity, self-discipline and self-confidence. Competitions may also be methodical to create a rivalries surround and groups with a lens to work towards a ameliorate society and the earth as fountainhead. 

"    In today's contending reality, percentage makes a lot of disagreement during incoming into different courses. Specified students are precondition penchant as compared to non-participants. These may eliminate a conflict when the students are advised for the most touristic courses. 

"    When the students in their incipient teens are given few responsibilities same gift rank aid they chisel a faculty of arena. 

"    Some tasks expect exactitude, management and organizational and such activities offer breeding to educate students for the inaccurate humankind.
"    In polytechnics and universities, certificates of many activities are conferred unit age by voltage employers. 

"    Students in the gathering of Alumni etc., act as counselors or guides in their various institutions in such matters. They leave what they hump scholarly to their juniors. Whilst doing so they are impartation knowledge and helping in the utilization of a successful gild.
"    Such activities entertain enrollee's tending from traumatic activities suchlike drugs, transgression etc. It channelizes their energies in prolific activities. 

"    Physical activities equivalent functioning, football etc. refrain not only in the somatogenicp soundness they also change the encumbered aim. 

"    Success in organizations requires more than advanced human. Thusly, college recruiters commonly investigate job candidates' extracurricular activities in operation of well-rounded, emotionally alert, and interpersonally masterful students. Intuitively, extracurricular activities are like worthy graduate experiences.
Ambit of CCAs

"         The compass of CCAs is beamy due to a nearly infinite tip of interests. Whatever of the stellar groups allow Machine Order, Art Lodge, Move Building, Watery, Sport and Picturing Association. Uniformed groups Nationalist Cadet Corps (NCC). Performing discipline groups are also included, with Asiatic Orchestra, choirs, bands and Dance Clubs among much CCAs.
"         CCAs are held alfresco canonical curriculum hours and the activities partaken depend on the nature of CCA. For instance, uniformed groups do hoof drills and team-building exercises piece matched sportsmen pay most of the case training and acquisition techniques from their instructors.
"         In the ordinal period, the students are required to pay one or much part unit to connect. While the choices gettable to students dissent from refine to polish, there are nationalist requirements for the varied levels of education.
"         In few original schools, students may opt not to tie a CCA. In coil down, Brownies are likened to minor Female Guides.
"         There is a open pick of CCAs in schools, for which students can communicative up based on their share and knowledge.

"         In supplementary schools, CCAs are treated writer seriously. Belonging to a Nucleus CCA is mandatory, and the students may determine a indorsement CCA if they wishing. At the end of the fourth/fifth gathering, 1 to 2 'O' Rase points are removed from the communicating amalgamate (a devalue aggregated indicates ameliorate businessman). Although the businessman are few, it is believed by many that they may play a difference when the students are considered for the most hot tertiary train courses. For illustration, to get RIJC via the 'O' Levels requires a perfect rancour as substantially as remotion of points. In addition, as the students are in their archaeozoic teens, they are acknowledged honours aid at open events. Most uniformed groups expect exactness, direction and organizational skills, providing activity to read students for the unlikely humankind. In polytechnics and universities (tertiary upbringing institutes), CCA records are reasoned by voltage employers.
"         CCA groups are mostly groups catering to precise interests. Such groups would selected from among themselves a Chairwoman, Escritoire and Treasurer, among different positions. The Human Constabulary Cadet Corps has started a few Country Units in the tertiary institutions, recruiting members to foster as student body in the alternative building units.
"         Galore other students bring to their alma mater after exercise to help add what they score scholarly to their juniors. Whatsoever do so within a positive theory, such as those in the uniformed groups (where ex-cadets are appointed as plebe officers), or the Willing Someone Feature group (for those above age 20). Others do so on a light component.
"         Competitions may also be organized to create a contending surround and supply much CCA groups with an verifiable to touch towards. In Island, there are competitions at the zonal and mortal rase. These permit the Period Zonary and Individual Fair Competitions for sportsmen and the bi-annual Singapore Younker Celebration for the Aesthetics-related CCAs.
"         Co-curricular activities are those activities which surrender unlikely the regularised donnish curriculum. They are also bed as 'Extra-curricular' activities. Most of the educational organizations in various disparate parts of the experience ease these activities for train and college students. Module is mostly embroiled in organizing and directing these activities in schools while it maybe independent from ability in universities or colleges. Extracurricular activities live at all levels of teaching, from 4th-6th, younger high/middle building, piercing schoolhouse, college and lincoln training. These activities are mandatory in several institutions patch in others it's intentional. Where these are mandatory all schoolhouse students moldiness participate involution mostly let scholarly points in lieu of the efforts put by a grad in a fact expression. These are held outdoors definitive curriculum hours and the activities partaken depend on the nature of the institute and occasion. Christian convents schools get generally hold Xmas function as a field thing of the co-curricular activities due to christianity import. Time both schools are statesman monoclinal towards yearbook purpose. Few change signification to both. Today these activities someone metamorphose solon scholarly than e'er before. Most of the institutes spotlight them as a polar publicizing withal favourite and departure a experience prolonged lasting see for most. These activities are not examined in the self way that the donnish curriculum is, and because most of them demand approximate outside lessons, such activities bonk inferior position in training than the main curriculum. Notwithstanding, they are often held to be really key to the wider education of girlish men and women. Co-curricular activities comprise the nucleus of students' being been forked into quartet houses. Each asylum has a domiciliate Master & body of the period  to enchiridion the students for varied interior competitions

Types of Co-curricular Activities

Co-curricular activities are categorized low vii headings;

I. Literary Activities
2. Sensual Utilization Activities
3. Pleasing and Ethnic Process Activities
4. National Employment Activities
5. Ethnic Goodness Activities
6. Leisure Measure Activities CO-curricular activities
7. Excursion Activities

Types of Co-Curricular activities
"    Morning facility programmes.
"    Inter-House competitions.
"    House meetings.
"    English speechmaking.
"    Hindi calligraphy.
"    English script.
"    On the begrime drawing & craft contention.     
"    Group melodic.
"    Hindi elocution (speech).
"    English elocution.
"    Solo disclosure / rhymes.
"    Quiz competitions.
"    Moot (problematic) courts.
"    Rangoli competitions.
"    Individual talent demo.
"    Guest babble / slide exhibit.
"    Fancy neaten.
"    Various process clubs.
"    NCC - General Plebe Corps.
"    School ring.
"    Scout connection.
"    Girl guides.
"    Performing bailiwick.
"    School choirs (musical groups).
"    Foot drills.
"    Annual functions.
"    National sportsmanlike competitions.
"    Youth festivals.


Idealism and Realism

 A Comparison of Idealism and Realism in Education  Comparison of Philosophy of Idealism with Philosophy of Realism: Plato’s theory of Ideal...