Thursday, February 15, 2018

Research Proposal / Format

By Sultan Muhammad Khan

The research proposal is a blue print of the proposed project.
The research proposal is a plan of action and a strategy to be carried out according to the objectives of the study
Definition:  A research plan is a detailed description of a proposed study to investigate a given problem.
  • It includes the justification for the hypothesis to be tested.
  • It shows the detailed presentation of the research steps to be followed in collecting & analyzing the required data & projected time & schedule for each major step.
  • It must be completed before a study is begun
  • A well-thought-out plan saves time, reduces the probability of costly mistakes & generally results in high quality research
The preparation of a research proposal is an important step. All research institutions require that a proposal must be submitted for approval before work is started on the project
Functions of the Research Proposal
1. It provides guidelines to the researcher for adopting the systematic approach towards the solution of the problems.
2. It provides basis for the evaluation of the proposal by researcher’ and aware the researcher of the problems and difficulties that he/she will have to face in his study
3. It restores confidence in researcher about the feasibility and worth of his investigations.
4.            It motivates the researcher and                moves him to  complete his project and reach his Goal
5.            It also enables the adviser to assess the progress of work of his advisee at regular intervals   

What is not a good proposal
  1. problem is too broad and complex
  2. If the problem is too subjective and is based on personal opinion
c.    If the problem is of highly controversial
d.    If the problem is too familiar and does not lead to some unknown domain of knowledge
Major elements of the proposal
1.1  Introduction
1.2  background and justification
1.3  Objectives of the study
1.4  Significance of the study
1.5  Research Questions
1.6  Hypothesis
2.1  Research Design
2.2  the nature of the study
2.3  Population
2.4  Sample
2.5  Methods and Tools of Data Collection
2.6  Limitation
2.7  Delimitation  
2.8 Ethical Considerations
2.9 Research Timeframe
Ø  Problem of the Study:
                Feasible to be carried out
                Opens doors for future investigation
1.1  Introduction
The main purpose of the introduction is to provide the necessary background or context for your research problem. State the research problem, which is often referred to as the purpose of the study.
1.2  Background and justification
Present the rationale of your proposed study and clearly indicate why it is worth doing with the help of Review of the related literature
A. Reported problem or closely related problems
b.  Research designs of various nature
C. Designs of studies used, including procedures,   instruments etc.
1.3  Objectives of the study
Ø  Realistic
Ø  Add new knowledge
Ø  Related to the topic
1.4  Significance of the study
The importance and outcomes of the study.
1.5  Research Questions
Drawn from the objectives of the study or the topic of the study
1.6  Hypothesis
                a.  Selecting key question(s)
                b. They are reasonable
                c. They are consistent with objectives
                D. They are verifiable
                E. They are testable
Research Procedure/design
This part of the proposal outlines the entire research plan to be carried out. It mainly describes
What must be done?
b. How it will be done?
c. What data will be needed?
d. What data collecting device will be used?
e. How sources of data will be located?
f.  How data will be organized?
g. How data will be analyzed and conclusions drawn?
2.1  Research Design
                What research design you want to use for your                 research.
2.2  The nature of the Study
The nature of the study section is typically the one in which the research design is laid out and discussed. Researcher describe the basic methodology that he /she used (the subjects, how data collected and describe the procedures used for collection of the data
2.3  Population
A research population is generally a large collection of individuals or objects that is the main focus of a scientific query.
2.5  Samples
A sample is a finite part of a statistical population whose properties are studied to gain information about the whole(Webster, 1985).
2.6  Methods and Tools of Data Collection
Method and tools for data collection ( interview, questionnaire)
2.7 Limitations
Limitations are influences that the researcher cannot control.  They are the shortcomings or conditions  that cannot be controlled by the researcher
 2.8 Delimitations
Delimitations are choices made by the researcher which should be mentioned. They describe the boundaries that the researcher set for the study.
2.9  Ethical Considerations
Follow the ethical code of conduct of the research and Keep in view the rights of the participants and protect their data.

Research Timeframe /Time Schedule
Listing of major activities or phases of the proposed study
Expected completion time for each activity or phase
Develop Research Proposal and obtain approval              60 Days
Develop and Improve instrument                                            10 Days
Download Researches                                                                   10 days
Administer instrument and Data collection                         70 days
Data analysis                                                                                      30 days
Research Report writing                                                                              60 days


APA style
Format of Research Proposal
Title Page (Topic of the study)
1.1          Introduction
1.2          Background and Justification
1.3          Objectives of the Study
1.4          Significance of the Study
1.5          Research Questions
2.1          Research Design
                The nature of the Study
                Methods and Tools of Data collection
Ethical Considerations
Research Methods/Timeframe


The need for complete documentation generally needs the inclusion of appropriate appendixes in proposals
Appendixes may include
         Original scales or questionnaires
         If an instrument is copyrighted, permission in   writing to reproduce the instrument from the     copyright holder
         Proof of purchase of the instrument
         Interview protocols.
         Sample of informed consent forms.
         Cover letters sent to appropriate stakeholders.
         Official letters of permission to conduct research.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Issues in Educational Administration

By Sultan 

                     Human resource management
                     Physical resources management
                     Financial resources management
                     Information technology (IT) or informative resource management
            According to the British Institute of Personnel Management :
            “Personnel Management can be defined as “that part of management which is concerned with people at work and with their relationship within an organization.”
                     Resource Management
                     “ In organizational studies, resource management is the efficient and effective deployment for an organization's resources when they are needed. Such resources may include financial resources, inventory, human skills, production resources, or information technology (IT)  “ Wikipedia
                     *Now also called resource sharing
            According to American Management Association:
   Human Resource Management is that field of management which has to do with planning, organizing and controlling various operative functions of procuring, developing, maintaining and utilizing a work force in order that
                     Resource management in education institutions
                     Role of school administration in resource management in school Level
                     Restructuring  of the resources and   management of educational organizations
                     Shortage of teachers, especially local female teachers in certain rural areas.
                     Importance of Resource Management in Schools
                     To enhance the quality and quantity of education in school Level
                     To improve the provision of resource inputs in schools
                     Physical resources management
                     (Problems face by administrator in education institute)
                     schools lack physical facilities including buildings, furniture, mats and even very basic necessities like blackboard, chalk, and charts.
                     Lack of schools building
                     Lack of HR and teachers
                     Lack of other resources water, Fan, Electricity
                     Lack of labs 
                     Lack of Play grounds
                     School Canteen
                     School Dispensary
                     School Furniture
                     Staff Room
                     Principal office
                     School Hall
                     School Furniture
                     Class Room 
                     Parking area for students and teachers.
                     Washrooms (Toilets)
                     Lawns and gardens
                     transportation problem
                     Use the same school building and start second shift classes.
                     use the same HR and other resources  to minimize cost and improve the salary of teachers to motivate them.
                      sharing of  resources between schools
                     Sharing of labs 
            SRIs in the school setting.
                     At present in Pakistan, SRIs (School resource inputs)
   are inefficiently used or misused, even in some schools unused
                     In budget 2009-10 speech in the National Assembly, the minister introduced four significant reforms for Improvement of education.
                     Utilization of existing resources by educational institutions is one of them
                     Optimal use of the resource inputs available in the institutions.
                     Research in Pakistan
                      Dahar, Iqbal & Faize (2010),
                      Dahar, Faize, Niwaz, Hussain and Zaman (2010) research study show.
                     “Both  studies concluded that the less provided SRIs are inefficiently and ineffectively used in the educational institutions”
                     Recommendation of the study
                     “The study concluded that practical laboratories (PLs) have positive and significant relationship with the academic achievement. Likewise, it is also concluded that if PLs are better provided and used efficiently and effectively, PLs may have larger effects.  It is also concluded that if the school basic facilities and instructional material are better provided and used efficiently and effectively, they may have larger effects”
                     Decentralization of education
                     The Local Government Ordinances
                     2001 provide a way for the establishment of a three-tier local government system comprising districts,
   Rehabilitate/up-grade physical facilities in existing primary schools.
                     Institutional Reforms: Public/Private Partnership and Community Participation Programmes through:
                     Restructuring and Strengthening of Education Foundation. Establishment of Village Education/School Management Committees and School Councils (making them legal entities).
                     Devolution Plan for District based planning, management and monitoring.
Resource management efforts in Pakistan
                     Resource management efforts by different governments.
                     Plans were prepared and even some implemented but due to lack of interest and supervision  on the part of government the  desired results was not achieved.
                     Schools function at places provided by the community free of charge.
                     These may include public places, Mosques, community centers, buildings
                     Computer literacy programme in government school in Evening shift
                     Use the same school building and teachers for Evening shift classes
                     Sharing of playground with other schools
                     Financial resources management
                     Buget Making
                     Buget planning is the most important duty of the administrator because for this he need the vision to forecast the probable expenditure for the year. What school will need, how much amount will be required for that. It is one of the major problem in the educational administration.
                     Internal Account
                     Keep check and balance on the staff member to prevent any miss use of school funds

School Fees; School fee is the most important financial source of any school administrator, therefore he needs to address this issues seriously to improve the financial problem of the school.
Improve the quality of education in school will improve the enrolment of students in school, which will improve the collection of Fee
                     Information technology (IT) or informative resource management
informative resource are also very important. Without proper informative resource no school can achieve his goals successfully. In Pakistan informative resource management is very serious problem for education administrator because of the financial restraint school administrators are not able to provide them in their schools. Some of the informative resources are;   
1.                  Resource Person
2.                  Library
3.                  Laboratory
4.                  Computer laboratory/internet
5.                  Instructional Material
            Visual Aids
            Audio Aids
            Audio-Visual Aids
6.                  The School diary,        Student diary,  Teacher diary, School Timetable
            School record
7.    Books,       Text Books,      Reference Books

Idealism and Realism

 A Comparison of Idealism and Realism in Education  Comparison of Philosophy of Idealism with Philosophy of Realism: Plato’s theory of Ideal...